“You have a good time?” Dad asked, something he always asked now. Like I said, something had changed.

“I did,” I told him, my phone buzzing, and when I pulled it out. I wasn’t surprised by whom I saw.

Royal: I’m taking that as a yes. I’ll be here for you in the morning. Hope you’ll be ready.



Funny enough, dear ole Dad actually hadn’t minded me going out that morning. I told him I was going to breakfast with friends, and though Royal had breakfast when he picked me up on a Saturday morning, a few bagels and coffee, I doubted breakfast was the only thing in store for the day. Royal Prinze was being very secretive and wouldn’t tell me one word as he cruised his Audi through the streets and later amongst the wooded hillsides of Maywood Heights. He went deep into the landscape, driving winding roads that didn’t even have street signs. It was nothing but narrow trails as we scaled higher and higher up the hills of what looked to be some kind of nature reserve.

The windows down, I stared at the sights, waiting as eventually, we ventured to the top and above the trees. A wide abyss of landscape wasn’t the only thing that was there when we arrived, and my mouth dropped open at the small helicopter stationed right at the top of the hill. There was a man inside it, one who came out the moment Royal and I parked. The man waved a hand in the distance, a handsome man who donned a pair of jeans and red leather jacket with his aviator shades. He appeared to be in his early to mid-thirties, and I had no idea who he was.

Turning off his car, Royal shifted a chiseled body in my direction, the sleeves of his dress shirt rolled up and cuffed on muscular forearms. He looked so sexy today I couldn’t even stand it, his hair moussed back and wearing slacks that hugged his thick thighs and chiseled calves like sin. Flashing perfect teeth, he held his hand out for mine. “You coming?”

“What are we doing?” He’d told me to dress up too in his text he sent this morning, church wear but that we weren’t going to church. The appearance of a running helicopter above the city of Maywood Heights definitely wasn’t church, but I’d prepared for that anyway in a pink dress and high heels.

Our fingers laced, Royal brushed his lips on my knuckles. “Obviously, we’re going to fly, love.” And with that, he let go, taking the moments to come around the car and let me out. He appeared nothing if not debonair, so different from the rude asshole I’d initially met. We’d both grown so much since meeting each other. He pulled me to him.

“You hired someone to take us flying?” I asked, looping my arm around his.

He patted my hand. “Not exactly, but close. Come on. You’ll see.”

I could do nothing but that, guided over to the man I noticed now wore a pilot’s headset. The man placed his hand out for mine, shaking it.

“Em, this is my uncle Addy.” Royal pointed to his uncle, the man’s shake firm as he released my hand. Royal grinned. “Well, Addison. Addison Anderson. My mom’s brother. Unc, this is December. My girlfriend.”

Royal’s uncle Addy flashed a dazzling grin, just as blond and beautiful like his nephew. His hair was slightly longer, a snapshot of what Royal could look like in a few years. Addison stood back, gripping gloved hands. “Nice to meet you, December.”

“Nice to meet you.” Awed by everything, I moved forward as Royal guided me.

“Uncle Addy is actually the vet who took Hershey in.” Royal leaned in. “Best in the city.”

A boisterous chuckle had Addison clasping Royal’s shoulder. “Oh, nephew. Flattery won’t get you extra flight time. But nice try though. You ready? This bird won’t fly itself.”

What the fuck?

My lips parted. “We’re, uh, what?”

“Just as he said, Em.” Royal waggled perfect eyebrows. “I’m flying us through the clouds today—”

“With assistance.” Addison raised a finger. “He’s only certified for assisted flying.”

But still, he was flying us? Royal eyed me, his frown slight. “You don’t have to be freaked. I got you. I’ve done this a million times.”

A conversation came to mind I’d heard before, one between Royal and his dad. It’d been a harsh one, but I remembered it. Royal had wanted to go to flight school, but his father had been against it, wanting him to go to a top-tier college. The conversation hadn’t ended well, but that’d been the first time I’d heard about his desire to fly.

It appeared he’d been flying for a while, and it made me happy he seemed to want to share something so clearly personal about him. Royal didn’t do that a lot, and since he was game to do such a thing, I would definitely be here for the ride.

I squeezed his bicep, smiling, and that made my boyfriend’s grin widen.

Addison crossed his burly arms. “Well, it seems she’s ready. Come on. I’ll get you guys up in the air before you take over.”

We strode to the chopper, Royal and Addison up front while I took the back. Inside, I’d been given my own headset to match the guys. I guess so we could speak to each other in the air.

“Ready?” Addison called back in his, and though I’d never been up in a helicopter before, I pretended to not have butterflies in my chest.

I let them both know I was and braced the seat as Addison maneuvered the joystick and pulled us above the hilltop. Royal reached back for me as he did, and that definitely helped keep the chunks down.