The presence of them stopped class entirely, Principal Hastings leading the train. He walked right up to Mr. Pool, waving to speak to him semi-privately. Well, it was as private as it could get with the two being in front of an entire classroom of senior students. I exchanged a quick glance with Birdie before gazing back at Royal, Jax, LJ, Knight and the rest of their Court crew. We had assigned seats, which was the only reason I wasn’t back there with them.

Royal’s cool green gaze grappled on to me too, his expression grim.

Especially when he was called to stand.

“Mr. Prinze?” Principal

Hastings called again. He waved him this time. “Could you come with me, please?”

The trivial “oohs” of a class full of juvenile-minded individuals trickled through the room, but Royal played it off with a smirk, even smacking LJ’s hand before getting up and coming forward. LJ received the hit in good stride, but his bro’s expression was definitely tense when he let go, all the guys were. They stared at Royal in unity as their friend made his way to the front and eventually, out of the room with the security staff. They’d guided them to come with them and after a nod to Mr. Pool, Principal Hastings followed them.

What the fuck?

I shot a look toward the back of the room. Jax and LJ shrugged, but Knight’s sneer could have frightened a toddler. I raised a hand. “Mr. Pool, can I have the hall pass? You know, Aunt Flo?”

This got some snickers, and Birdie covered her mouth. A small “what the fuck?” left her lips, and as I watched the color drain from Mr. Pool’s face at clearly ladies’ troubles, I knew what I said got the job done. He reached into his desk, pulling out the pass.

Instantly, I got up, and when he handed it to me, he leaned in.

“A simple, ‘I need the hall pass’ will do for the future, December,” he said, a clear to his throat before letting me go with it. It astounded me that in this turn of the century a cis male such as himself could clearly still be bothered by a little period blood.

I shook my head a little when I got into the hallway and, after gazing around, stood there a second to figure out my next move. I had no idea where Royal would have been skirted off to, but I started in the direction of the headmaster’s office. If they wanted to talk to him, they’d do so in private most likely. I had to pass the north hall on the way, and I was glad I took that route because that’s exactly where I ended up finding Royal and the people who took him.

They were searching his locker.

“Can I ask what the hell you guys are looking for?” Hands in his pockets, Royal allowed them to do the search, not that he had much choice with the headmaster on standby.

Principal Hastings’s lips curled. “That’s a warning, Mr. Prinze. Don’t use that language in my halls.”

“What’s this about, then?” Royal lifted and dropped his hands, and from the distance, I caught a glance of who flanked his other side.

The sheriff, the legit sheriff of Maywood Heights, stood there, hands on his hips and in full uniform. What was even weirder about that was the school’s security staff stood behind him. That’s when I realized Maywood Heights cops searched Royal’s locker. Real cops like he was a criminal.

“You’ll let the men do their job, son,” Principal Hastings said, and Royal grimaced.

“I’m not your son, Headmaster,” Royal returned, his eyes dark. He forced his arms over his chest. “And I think I have a right to know why my personal property is being searched.”

Principal Hastings honed in. “These lockers are my property, Mr. Prinze.”

“And we have a search warrant.” Sheriff Ashford pinned the document with a motion against Royal’s chest. The man looked a far cry different than he had last time I’d seen him. He appeared less like a grieving father and more a pissed-off sheriff. I didn’t understand and headed down the hallway.

Royal instantly noticed, his arms lowering to his sides. “December?”

The whole party turned in the hallway, and when Royal started to leave the line, the sheriff got him by the arm. “We’re not done here.”

Royal wrestled away but Principal Hastings stopped him, getting between the both of us. He put his hands up, his sneer in my direction. “Why are you here, Ms. Lindquist?”

“Bathroom.” I held up the pass. “What’s going on?”

Distracted, Principal Hastings gave room for Royal to get a hand around and on me. He pulled me over. “These creeps are searching my locker. I don’t know why—”

“Well, you will now,” one of the cops said, shifting everyone’s attention that way. Wearing blue gloves, the officer had a cell phone between two fingers, a cell phone that wasn’t Royal’s. I didn’t recognize it, but I knew it wasn’t my boyfriend’s. I’d seen it a lot the past couple days since we’d been staying together.

Sheriff Ashford’s eyes were wild as he took it. He snatched the phone with force, slamming it up against Royal’s chest so hard he let go of me. The sheriff bared his teeth. “What the hell is this, boy?”

Royal shook his head, his eyes flashing wide. “I have no idea, sir. It’s not mine…”

“I know it’s not.” Sheriff Ashford pushed him again, pushed him so hard. “It’s my damn daughter’s. Get this little shit in handcuffs.”