Jax frowned. “What the fuck, dude?”

LJ whacked him with the wooden spoon before tossing it into the kitchen sink and washing his hands behind the bar. He flashed white teeth at me. “You’ll have to forgive him. He took all of a semester of French before switching over to German.”

Looking hurt, Jax placed the spatula to his chest. “What can I say? My family has ties to the motherland.”

“More like to Hitler.” LJ dodged quick when Jax attempted to swing the frying pan full of food at him, and chuckling, LJ came out of the kitchen. Finding me, the extremely tall blond boy with a rather long wingspan threw an arm around me, bringing me into a hug. “Hey, good to see you.”

It was surprisingly good to see him too, and Jax. I was actually just thinking about all of them.

I hugged him back. “You too. Where’s Royal? Knight?”

“Went for some OJ and some smacks.” LJ came away. He pointed over the bar. “This one’s cooking you both out of house and home.”

Appearing hurt again, Jax came out of the kitchen with his frying pan and spatula. “Am not. I’m just trying out a new recipe my moms taught me.”

Folding his arms, LJ lounged back against the suite’s dining room table. He tossed a nod at me. “Jax’s moms are celebrity chefs.”

“Only during the week.” Jax ventured over to the dining table too, which I now realized had quite the spread. There was a bowl of cut melon in the center, oatmeal and various things u

sed to sweeten and flavor it next to that, and carafe of what looked like milk.

“You’re vegan, right?” Jax asked, his frying pan filled with what looked like eggs but didn’t smell like it. From the looks of it, there were peppers, mushrooms, and some kind of meat mixed in there with yellow crumbles. He raised the pan. “I present a vegan tofu scramble. I’ve been dying to make this. One of my moms is vegan too.”

“How did you know I was vegan and where did you even get all this stuff?” I asked, laughing when I took one of the seats.

Jax pushed the food onto my plate, and it looked hella good. “Royal. He had all the food already in the fridge.”

Of course he did, another one of those things he did. He could fool the world all he wanted with his brooding attitude.

He was still sweet as hell.

Kind of in awe, I shook my head. “What did you use for meat?”

“Seitan.” Jax placed the pan in the center on an oven mitt, and when LJ frowned—he’d taken a seat next to me and hadn’t gotten served—Jax threw a hand at him. “Um, all this so isn’t for you, bro,” he chided before wiggling his eyebrows at me. “What do you think, December?”

He appeared very excited for my response so I sampled what he made.

“Dude,” I basically moaned. Grabbing another forkful, I shoved it into my mouth. “What the fuck?”

“I know, right?” His grin strong, Jax backed away, heading toward the kitchen. “Wait until you have it with chocolate almond milk. We only put regular on the table.”

“You know, you really don’t have to open and consume everything in the fridge? We’re checking out later today.”

Royal appeared from behind my chair when I turned, never failing to look hot as hell. He had his North Face jacket on, his cheeks flushed and red. I started to get up, but he came to me, a bag of groceries in his hands. He kissed my cheek. “Good morning, princess.”

I’d never not like him calling me that, calling me anything really. I just loved him saying my name. I loved loving him.

“Hey.” I pulled back. “You got groceries?”

“Got three more mouths to feed.” He wagged blond eyebrows. “Four if you count Knight’s gladiator ass.”

“Shut the fuck up.” Knight came around the corner in his big-ass puffer coat, and I was reminded by how he’d let me wear that once. He’d saved me, literally giving me the coat off his back. He came into the room with about three more bags to each one Royal had. Knight placed them on the bar. “I paid for all this shit so I eat what I want.”

The guys chuckled, Royal too when he stripped off his jacket. He put it on the back of my chair and started to take the groceries to the kitchen, but Knight told him he had it covered. He must have not been too mad at what Royal said because he not only put all the groceries away but set out place settings for the other guys. After he was done, he hung his coat and took off a gray hat from dark locks.

“I see you started without me.” Royal threw an arm around my front, smelling of heat and boy. He pressed his face into my cheek. “Sorry I wasn’t here when you woke up.”

“So is this how it’s going to be now?” Jax directed a fork at Royal. He’d taken his seat and started eating too. He grinned. “You being all ‘Kept’ and bitch ass?”