My lips parted. “I just came for…”

“Access to our vault, which only I have access to.” Mr. Prinze put his hands together, staring down at me. “The client has asked for care for this particular piece of merchandise. Care, which requires only handling by the president. It was a good thing I was here today. I was just heading out to my office at the bank.”

Dear God, did he own the town’s banks too? And hell, did he work with my dad? I had no specifics about what my dad did, but I knew his job required work at the bank. The man very well could be my dad’s boss.

Well, that explains why Royal got anything he wants in Dad’s house.


had been hella submissive the one time I’d brought Royal over. At the time, Royal had claimed my dad simply didn’t have a problem with him. Maybe he couldn’t have a problem, too scared to.

I gripped Ramses’ bag, and for a hot second, I thought about saying I was good. No way did I want to be anywhere near a guy who hit his kid, but stepping back may show him his power over me, which was the opposite of what Ramses and I planned to achieve. He needed to know I didn’t feel threatened.

I lowered the bag to the side. “I appreciate the help, thank you.”

His eyes twitched a little like he was surprised I decided to let him help me, and why not? The last time he’d seen me, he’d basically thrown me out of Windsor House. He’d had no reason, of course, and at the time, I’d believed it had to do with whatever vendetta he had against Royal.

Without words, Mr. Prinze waved a hand forward, allowing me to go first. I did, but did look back. I noticed rather quickly Benjamin decided to stay up front with the rest of the customers.

Bastard leaves when I need him.

I would have liked to have that buffer, but since I clearly wasn’t going to get it, I went to the elevator with Mr. Prinze. He pushed a card inside once the metal doors closed, and a light flicked on to the lowest button. We were going to the lower levels.


I could basically hear my heart beating in my ears, standing there and pretending I was okay. I had to pretend. I had to be brave.

You’re okay.

The doors opened up and I only breathed when Mr. Prinze stepped out of it. I followed him, the walls lined with little boxes with key holes. Out of his pocket, Mr. Prinze took a key and opened one that said 1451. Behind that number was a thumbprint pad, and after pressing his thumb down on the plate, a little door popped open. Inside, he pulled out a red box, thick but slender. It also had a key hole, gold around the mouth.

He presented the box to me without the key. “I didn’t know you were friends with Ramses Mallick. You must be very close for him to allow you to pick up such value for him.”

I took the box, a little weight in my hands. “No key?” I asked, deliberately ignoring what he said. Who I was friends with was no more his business than his own son’s.

His mouth righted a bit, a quaint smile on his face before closing both the thumbprint and key lock door. He returned the key to his pocket. “No key. You have everything you need.”

I nodded, sliding the red box into the bag. Mr. Prinze, on the other hand, put his hands behind his back.

“How you look so much like your sister,” he said, his smile rising just a bit higher. “I hope you’re staying out of trouble. My son has a way of corrupting people.”

I was sure, if that was the case, he’d only learned that from him, his statement completely bold.

As well as hurtful.

What happened to my sister was more than fresh, but not only did I not let what he said affect me, I stood tall. “I thank you for your help again.” It took all I had in me to say that.

The alternative was punching him in his goddamn face.



I ran into interception after returning Ramses’ car to the driveway, an interception that not only had my eyes widening but definitely gave pause to the guys I ran into. Three mini mountains came out of Ramses’ front door, all wearing coats and looking amped the hell up upon crossing the threshold. In the front was LJ, his blond locks pushed up into a man bun at the top of his head. He apparently had an undercut beneath all that hair, the back shaven, and seeing me, he pushed out a hand and halted the other two. The other two were Knight and Jax, Royal’s other two henchman.

Knight came forward. “What are you doing here?”

“I could ask you guys the same. Did you do something to Ramses?” I stalked up the steps toward the door, and breaking away from LJ, Knight stalked down, cutting me off. About probably two hundred pounds of thick and sizable male stood in front of me.