Remembering that, the anger flooded back. He was so nonchalant about that. I smacked him. “And what the hell was all that about? How long were you out there? What happened—”

“I told you an hour, ’Zona.”

“Yeah, but what you didn’t tell me was the details. You texted me you were having a meeting, Ramses. A goddamn meeting not that.”

Seriousness lined a face normally laced with humor. He frowned. “That is how it started.”

“So what happened?”

“They agreed to a vote between all the members, the Collective. The vote happened and the decision was obviously made. They allowed me to pledge, the conclusion of which you walked in on in the woods.”

But it was so… fast. “Is it always that fast? The process?”

He clasped long fingers together, and when he frowned again, I assumed I was right about this being unusual.

“My dad was there,” he said, looking at me. “Flew right in just for the meeting. He’s on the council, but he was out of town, so I didn’t think he’d be there. I have a feeling the quick vote was all him. It was all set up and everything, happened within literally hours after the council agreed to let it happen. Those who didn’t show were allowed to vote via teleconference. A done deal. I got my request.”

I frowned now. “So he wanted you to join?”

“Did he want me?” Sarcasm laced his laughter. He bunched curls. “He obviously made this whole thing happen, rushed it to hell. Let’s just say after the council decided I got a big goddamn hug. His legacy continued.”

What was with the fathers in this town? Were they seriously all as crazy as mine and Royal’s? I shook my head. “And he didn’t mind you getting hazed?”

“He didn’t know about it.” His hands came together again. “At least the details of it, but it is all a part of the process. He could assume that’s what was going to happen next. After the vote, the good ole boys left, and the young guys came in, quickly taking me away.”

“What did they make you do?” I cringed saying it. Mira said Royal and the others had tortured a pledge all weekend.

Ramses leaned back in his bed pants and flannel, way too nonchalant about this for my liking. “Really, you saw the worst of it. On Friday, they took me away blindfolded and used scare tactics to try and freak me out. Loud noises and flashing lights. Minor stuff. Anyway, they left me that way in a basement that night. And it was a heated basement before you ask, so it really wasn’t that bad.”

Even still, I cringed again, but Ramses only smiled.

“I was fine, a little hungry but fine. They fed me gruel, some crap that looked like oatmeal but definitely didn’t taste like it. After meal times, I was forced to serve the guys their meals, then clean the entire Windsor House. It really wasn’t a big deal and concluded out in the woods, which you saw.”

“They could have killed you.”

“They wouldn’t. Honestly, they were about to take me in until they heard you and the search party. I heard them talking about it, ’Zona. They wanted to freak me out. They didn’t want to kill me.”

But they could have, and as far as I knew, they just might have had we not come.

“What do our friends know?” he asked, raising his knees under the sheets. “I mean, what do they think is going on?”

I’d had to dodge that bullet several times last night. I shook my head. “Next to nothing. Beyond thinking you’re crazy, they just believe you’re just going for Court again. They didn’t ask why.”

And maybe they didn’t need a reason. They hadn’t the first time. He was obviously legacy, so that was probably enough for them.

He nodded his head. “How did y’all even find me? I didn’t reach out or anything.”

“Royal,” I said, making his eyes widen. “I put the pressure on, and gratefully, he told me.”

I honestly didn’t think he would. I mean, why would someone without a soul want to help me, but he had. Ramses sat unusually silent with this information, and when I pushed his knee, I got his focus back. “What’s up? Why are you looking like that?”

He folded fingers into his curls. “Just wondering why he’d break code is all.”


He shrugged. “I don’t give a shit about it, but there’s a code. Court information doesn’t leave Court. If it does, there are consequences.”

“What kind of consequences?”