about where she was going, and if she hadn’t told me, why not her friend?

Royal said nothing, eyes scanning the wall like a mathematician riddled over a sum. He’d merely parted his lips before the door blasted open and a couple of boys came in, basketballs under their arms.

They froze upon seeing us.

“Fuck, Royal. Sorry. Didn’t know you were in here,” one said, actually apologizing to him for some reason. They both blinked in my direction.

“Stalker,” they said together, laughing, and my chest squeezing, I was immediately blasted back into the reasons I approached the lacrosse captain.

If not for Royal that was.

“Hey? Shut the fuck up,” he commanded, tossing a slap at the large guy’s chest. He directed a finger. “Don’t say that. Not about her.”

Blinking, I stood ramrod straight. Not fifteen minutes ago this boy wanted nothing to do with my defense. I mean, before our agreement. Totally holding up his end, he pushed the second guy. “Now get the fuck out of here.”

Fear shrunk boys at least half a foot in height taller than him, the two grabbing each other before backing up.

“Sorry, Royal.”

“Say sorry to her.” Royal’s finger didn’t leave my direction. “And fuck that meme. It’s not true. Tell all your friends that.”

The boys faced me, mumbled sorrys falling from their lips as they turned and ran like scared little bitches. I’d be a little intimated by Royal myself if the words exchanged hadn’t been in my defense.


Royal really had a firm hand around here, one that people definitely reacted to. He opened the double doors. “Come on before someone else comes in here and starts more shit.”

I peeled myself away from my sister’s photos, moving under his arm. In this case, I supposed it’d be smart to take his direction.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Royal

Your friend Royal stood up for me today. He didn’t have to, but he did and it was actually pretty cool. Scary, but pretty cool. I get the feeling he scares a lot of people. Did he scare you? Is that why you’re friends? Because you’d rather be with the guy than against him? I saw pictures of you two today as well. You didn’t look scared of him. He looked like he was your friend. In fact, you two looked really close, P, and it kind of makes me wonder why you never mentioned the guy. I told you pretty much everything about my life, but the longer I’m here I’m finding out so much about you. Like how you ruled this place like the badass you are. I heard you were the first girl on the football team? I mean, what? That’s awesome and I never would have known. Why didn’t you tell me? Whenever you came to LA to see me, you were pretty broken. You’d never admit that, of course, playing it off like you were there for me and to take care of me but I knew. Especially your last few visits before you ghosted me…

Did something happen at school? Something outside of Dad and with your friends? Who was protecting you here while you were so busy taking care of me and my mistakes for so long? Was it Royal?

Was it anyone?

- Em

P.S. Hearts you more.


Rosanna urged me to tell my dad about Hershey that evening before she went home for the night, and I agreed with her. I could only keep an entirely too adorable puppy quiet for so long before she immersed herself into my dad’s radar. I figured getting ahead of that would be best, and the moment I heard the garage door close that night, I ventured downstairs to intercept him before he could get too comfortable. Over the day, I considered he may give me what I want just to get out of his face so he could eat dinner. I had no data to back this theory up, of course, but it could be worth a shot.

“Dad?” I questioned, knowing my incriminating evidence was already upstairs. I hoped to God Hershey could stay quiet at least until I told him. I’d given her apples and peanut butter on top of her puppy food to keep her preoccupied. I wrestled with my hands. “You think we can talk…”

“I got you a job,” he stated, filing through the mail on the counter.

I believed I’d heard him wrong.

“Sorry?” I asked, coming into the kitchen.

He gazed up at me. “I said I got you a job. Staff at the local community center. You’ll be doing maintenance and cleaning amongst other things.”