Even still, I found myself hard pressed to move, or to push him away.

This gave him access to me in a way that allowed him to angle his big body around me.

“Come on, Professor,” he said. “Take a chance? The ball’s in your court again.”

My lashes flashed. “I came with Professor Donahue. I can’t just leave.”

What was I saying?

But the words already came out, a smile to Ramses’s voice.

“We can be back soon.” His hand escaped mine to find my wrist. “As soon

as you want. Meredith won’t mind. She had no intention of leaving with me tonight, not with all the other money and status in here. I needed a date, and she wanted the ticket. We’re doing each other a favor.”

Eye candy indeed.

I guess we were in the same situation. I wasn’t with my date either. Not really.

But this was just a field trip, what he said.

I faced him, way too close for my liking, but I was curious.

“Quick trip?” I asked, studying his eyes, and his danced again.

“Quick trip.”

Chapter Eighteen


I told Ramses we didn’t have to rush. Why I told him that, I didn’t know, and when I also told him Guy and I drove up to Chicago separately (with also no intention of leaving together), he’d merely shook his head.

“Of course, you drove separately,” he said, being a smart ass and I was tempted to shove him, flirt with him. It was like automatic when it came to him, which was another solid reason why we shouldn’t be going anywhere together at all.

Yet, here we were, downtown after I followed behind his Mercedes with my SUV. He’d had us park in alley parking, behind an old brick building that wrapped around the corner. At this point, I wondered what was up with the locale, but I was game. My interest was piqued more than anything. Especially when he said to close my eyes.

“Just play along,” he said, those ebony dark eyes playful once more. I asked him how I could walk if I couldn’t see.

That was when his hands pressed over my eyes.

“What are you doing, Ramses?” I spent more time asking him that, questioning myself and everything I was when we were together. I questioned him all the time yet traveled into the dark with him anyway.

His hard heat came in behind me, his voice low.

“You can see with me,” he said. “Trust me.”

It wasn’t him I didn’t trust. It was myself, and though he wasn’t my student anymore…

I still let him lead me into the dark, whatever this was. The indicator was creaking floorboards under my heels, an aged smell, earthy and maybe the brick around me. Once inside and out of the chill, he stole my coat away from me, the room warm. He still urged me to keep my eyes closed, and I laughed while he did something with my coat. I stayed in the middle of wherever we were.

His hand came to my eyes again, a gentle press as he loomed near. “I’m going to stay behind you.”


Laughter in his voice. “It’s the only way I’m brave enough to show you this.”

So, he had his weak points, too? I knew that. He’d shown me on multiple occasions.