Subject: Class Transfer

Hey. I just wanted to let you know I took care of that class transfer. Had my mom sign off on it since she’s the department dean.

Before you ask (because I know you will), she had no idea it was your class I was trying to get out of. She didn’t ask. Just signed it, but I don’t think she would have cared anyway. I know you care so that’s why I’m telling you. It’s taken care of and I’m sorry for dragging my feet on it. I could blame work and being busy, but it’d be just an excuse. It was sim

ply two more days of you.

’Nuff said.

Anyway, the changes are effective immediately. I’m no longer your student, but I’m emailing because this is technically school related. And well, because you’re not texting me back, and I don’t really have a choice.

Hope you’re well and thanks,

- R

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Re: Class Transfer

Ramses -

Thank you for letting me know. Sorry, I haven’t been texting you back.

I think you understand why.

I hope you’re well too, and I wish you nothing but the best. I really enjoyed your friendship. It was really special to me.

- Bri

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Re: Re: Class Transfer

Well, since I both have and don’t have you—since I know you’re watching and reading—there’s this too.

I had a talk with December after you left, a long one, and I’d like to tell you about it. It won’t be over an email, though.

I value your friendship too so let’s be friends.

The ball’s in your court, Professor.

- R

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Re: Re: Re: Class Transfer

I wish I could.

I wish I was strong enough.

- Bri