He brought me to him, until our hips touched, and he framed my face. He kissed me like it meant nothing.

When it meant everything.

When it felt like my world would end if he stopped, that my body would die without the taste. Soft, yet deliberate contact parted my lips, his finger curling beneath my chin when it ended too soon.

His boyish grin fluttered my insides, his hand cupping my cheek. “I was taking a chance you’d let me do that.”

My lips buzzing, I felt like I’d let him do it again. But, putting hands on my hips, he placed distance between us. He extended a reach, and off the top of my car, he had the most curious thing.

“Pizza?” I questioned. He flipped the lid and the same pie from the night we met stared back at me.

Oh my gosh.

He nodded. “Goes with the rest of my gift. That is, if you’re game?”

Since I was, I allowed him to tug me from the car. He opened the back and inside was a set of folded clothing. Like brand new, a bow around a box of tennis shoes and what appeared to be a pair of shorts, a tank top, and sports bra.

I’d question how he’d gotten these items into my car, but he did have the code. I’d sent him to my car multiple times to get things out of it when he stayed over on occasion.

“I figured pizza, then a hike,” he said, his grin stretching. “What do you say, Jersey girl? Escape with me for the day?”

His thumb brushed beneath my chin.

As if I could ever tell this guy no.


Ramses took us to a nature reserve for the day, picking an afternoon I just happened to have an early day. My afternoon classes wrapped up early on Wednesdays.

Of course, he knew that.

We ate his pizza on the way. Though already having had lunch with his mom, I allowed him to devour the majority of it. Not that he minded that.

It was crazy thinking back on that night. We first met in an evening that, at the time, felt like absolute chaos. But since then, he’d somehow come to balance me, and I’d been able to be that calm for him. We just worked together.

We just worked.

I changed in the car for the hike while he waited outside, stretching while I exchanged pumps for Nikes and my blouse and pantsuit for sports clothing. Everything fit perfectly, which told me Ramses either guessed or cheated by being observant about the sizes in my closet.

Something told me the latter.

That was just Ramses. That was always Ramses, and as I joined him deep in the hills of nature, the woods cool with the changes of spring, I didn’t want to be anywhere else. This, with him and being outside together, was pure harmony.

It was my heaven.

Ramses planned a break on an outlook, planned because he brought a blanket and waters. He was prepared. The view was scenic as we took that rest. The tops of trees were in a wide abyss before us, and he started to say something to me up here.

I never got to hear it.

I initiated that first kiss, his lips pinching between mine, and I had to say, I wasn’t sure how I’d been able to fight it so long.

Something told me those thoughts were shared.

Our clothes stripped like it was second nature, for this man to make love to me up here and always. For him to hold me, passion-filled, and kiss me like we’d never been at odds. Like I hadn’t been in my head again or attempted to push him away. Like we were destiny.

And this was it fulfilled.

Ramses entered me with a groan, his arm hooked around the back of my neck. His hips dropped deep. His taste was in the air, heat, sweat. He’d soaked through his shirt halfway through the hike, completely naked now as his hips rocked and he pulled my lips apart. Solid and beautiful male fucked me deep, my thighs hugging him close, my ankles knotted behind his muscular ass.