“More like got lost in his house,” I returned, my frown deepening. “It was big enough.”

Knight wet his lips before glancing at the girls. “She’s right. It wasn’t for very long.”

“What happened?” Sophie asked, and by then, our drinks had come. She sipped her cola. Knight started to answer, but then I grabbed my drink.

“Something having to do with a dog, wasn’t it, Knight?” I asked, his eyes smoldering. There was a definite dare in there, one I probably should heed, but with him pinned between my roommates I found myself not caring. “He likes to torture and kill them.”

Silence, full on besides the outside chatter and fifties swing music from the pizzeria’s jukebox. I sucked down my Coke before Keisha’s elbow nudged my shoulder.

“Oh my God, nice one, Greer!” she chanted, obviously thinking I was joking. Awkwardly, she started to laugh, and the others quickly joined in, obviously wanting to believe I was joking.

Amongst the laughter, Knight swirled around his beer bottle, his eyes flicking coldly at me before taking a sip. He wiped his mouth with his finger. “Always one for jokes with that mouth, dove. Maybe you should do stand-up.”

Maybe I should, staring him down now that I had the confidence. He couldn’t do anything in this booth, intimidate me or otherwise, and though I knew I should probably tread lightly, he’d hurt me. He’d called me a whore, and those words radiated through my mind in a dark haze. I wanted to hurt him back, punish him, but at the moment I was gridlocked too. My roommates around, I couldn’t really do anything either, so I sat there, the two of us in a stand off. Eventually, our pizzas came, a cheese personal pan sliding in front of me. Sophie eased out of the booth to go wash her hands and the others split a pizza that made my mouth water. I really did love meat lover’s, but was obviously too stubborn to do anything about that now.

“Cheese not tickling your fancy, Greer?” A cool expression across the table. Knight flicked up his chin. “You’re hardly touching your pizza.”

“Just needs a little pepper.” I reached for it, but knocked it off the table. I started to ease out of the booth to get it, but Knight stopped me, bending over his big body and getting the shaker himself.

He returned it to the table, but didn’t rise all the way, fishing beneath the table for something. All too coolly, he rose with a hand full of my calf, and before I could say anything, Sophie returned.

“What did I miss?” she asked, Knight’s eyes darkening as he pulled off my flip-flop beneath the table. He tossed it to the floor, staring at me and with the others devouring their pizza, they said nothing.

“Um,” I started, large fingers pulsing up to the back of my knee. Knight squeezed, rubbing the pads of his thumbs over and over above my knee before his fingers pushed up and gripped my thigh. He picked up then, massaging me and before I knew it, he was setting my bare foot right on his crotch. I jumped. “Er, um…”

“You alright there, Greer?” A smirk from the son of a bitch sitting across from me, his eyes dancing with gleeful delight as he lounged back and let me feel his cock. He was rock hard through his jeans, his dark gaze simmering on his side of the table. He wet his lips. “You’re looking a little bothered.”

“Yeah, Greer. You okay?” Hales was staring at me, all the girls staring at me. Meanwhile, Knight was rubbing my toes against his hard on, his eyes hazing as he attempted to bring me back to a familiar place. One where he’d called me a whore and I’d not only let him get away with it, but had actually cried that night. He’d embarrassed me.

He wouldn’t do it again.

A grunt when I jabbed my foot right into his balls, his eyes shrinking as he let go of my foot, and I maneuvered it back into my flip-flop. Pushing away my pizza, I grabbed my things. “I just remembered I have a lot of homework to do.”


I ignored Keisha and got up, leaving my pizza behind. Knight said he’d pay so I hadn’t bothered leaving any cash. I left that room and table so quick and hadn’t thought about the repercussions until I hit the bus stop to head back to my dorm. I got a text then, one that made my stomach absolutely sick.

Knight: I hope to God that little stunt you pulled just now was worth it. And good luck getting me out of your life now. This isn’t over until I say it is.

Chapter Ten


Knight proved to make good on his threat. Because not only did I find him at the dorm later that night, but he had friends with him, two huge guys about the size of himself. I caught Haley, Sophie, and even Keisha, who was hugely into taking her bedtime seriously, hanging out with them all. They all sat on or around the couch, partying away with a game system, snacks, and music blasting all around them. Knight hadn’t come for me, but he basically had, his eyes glaring coolly at me as I cut across the room. I’d heard the music, the only reason I came out to see what was up.

“Hey there, dove.” He once again had one of my roommates squished into his side, Haley, with his arm stretched across the back of the couch behind her. His dark eyebrows dashed up. “Come out to join us?”

I definitely hadn’t, completely disgusted, and Haley barely noticed me upon entering or leaving the room. She was too obsessed with Knight Reed. All of my roommates were. Belly down, Keisha and Sophie let these two gargantuan-size guys that Knight had brought show them how to play the Xbox they’d brought when my friends definitely didn’t play Xbox. Like stated before

, they were too serious about school.

Scoffing, I slammed the door, a sheer panic at the turn of events. Somehow things had shifted from me keeping quiet about what I saw that night at the frat to this, Knight Reed completely invading my life. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I reached for it.

Knight: Night one, little dove. You ready?

I threw my phone on the bed, forcing in a scream. Burrowing into my bedding, I pulled the sheets over my head.

The music only got louder.