“Whether it is or not, you don’t have to push away every woman that comes walking around you.” He frowned suddenly, his expression sad. “I mean, when was the last time you saw your mom? Visited her?”

We definitely weren’t talking about that, my mom, and he was totally out of line here. My eyebrows narrowed. “You’re reaching.”

“Am I?” He pulled the towel off his neck. “Or are you lying? Lying to yourself?”

I wasn’t lying to anyone, and the only thing that needed to happen between Greer and me was me showing her, her proper place. I hadn’t taught her enough of a lesson the other night, and not only was I going to correct that issue, there’d be no mistake where we stood. She was nothing but pussy, nothing but mouth, and I’d make her see that, done with the mindfuck.

It was time to turn the tides.

Chapter Nine


I was falling asleep in class. Hell, I fell asleep in all my classes lately.

Psych 110 no exception, I curled up in the stadium seat, Professor Hershel lecturing across the front stage. These days getting any kind of sleep only happened in my classes anyway, the result of constant paranoia and stress when it came to Knight. I figured if class already started, the door closed and all focus in the room on my professor, he wouldn’t dare come in.

At least that had been my theory.

It’d been working so far so I took advantage of the time, fifty some odd minutes of sleep better than nothing at all. I obviously couldn’t sleep at the dorm, not with what happened in my own bedroom and mere steps away from my roommates. They hadn’t heard anything at all that’d been going on in my bedroom. Not that it sounded like I was at all in trouble in the end anyway. I completely gave my body over to Knight—willingly.

That was what scared me the most.

I would have done more had he taken it there, more because I wanted to. He left me humiliated in the end, damaged beyond repair, and I hated him. Hated him so much more than before this whole thing started. He was just as crazy as he had been when we were kids, just as hurtful. I needed to stay away from him, my sole focus, and privacy these days was nothing but a silent killer. Having people around and not being in the open was better for me. At least if he found me in my classes, he wouldn’t have an opportunity to take advantage.

I wouldn’t do anything fucking stupid either.

I jumped as Professor Hershel dismissed class, everyone gathering up their things. I got mine too, heading down the auditorium stairs and across the room. I passed the professor’s podium along the way, and he stopped me, waving me over.

After studying something on his podium, he looked up at me, frowning. “Greer Michaelson, right?”

“Yes, Professor,” I stated, slowing my strides and wondering what this was about. He’d never acknowledged me before, this class way too big. His teaching assistants usually only talked to us individually on recitation days.

The professor tucked his stuff in his bag. “I know we don’t take participation into account when it comes to grades for this class, but if I catch you sleeping again, I might have to. It’s wasting your time and mine.”

Completely caught, my heart raced. I adjusted my bag. “I’m sorry, sir. I just haven’t been getting enough sleep lately.”

“I’m sure you and half your classmates. This is college.” Closing his messenger bag’s flap, he slid it over his shoulder. “What I say stands. Don’t let it happen again; otherwise, your grade will be affected.”

Knowing he was serious, I nodded, heading out the room with the rest of my classmates. Completely humiliated again, I covered my face, so over this whole thing.

He’s affecting me, and he’s not even here.

I was blowing myself up now, my hopes for an education. Even though I was undecided, I’d eventually know what I wanted to do with my life and couldn’t afford to take this class over. I might have to pay out of pocket for that, and both Ben and Mom would have my ass. They’d worked so hard for me to go to school here.

Feeling terrible, I headed across campus to get some lunch and frankly, reevaluate my life at this point. My phone buzzed, and my stomach tossed for only a few seconds before seeing it was my roommates, a group text, and thank God nothing from Knight Reed.

Sophie: You guys want to meet for pizza for lunch?

Keisha: Sweet! Green Street sound, okay? They got the best pizza places over there.

Haley: Love it. Let’s just wait until we hear from Greer. I’m close and it’ll only take me a minute to get over to that area.

Same for me, and though I didn’t feel like socializing, socializing was exactly what I needed to do. More power in numbers after all.

Me: Sounds good. The Cheezery sound okay?

It was the best place on Green Street, and since they all agreed, that’s where I headed. It took me a little longer than expected to get over there, I guess dragging my feet, and by the time I actually got over to the restaurant, my friends were already in the booth. I spotted them easily upon entering.