“Promise what will be a problem?” I asked, and it was obviously the right answer. Not only did Knight face the road again, he unlocked the door.

I opened, basically falling out, his ride was so high. I closed the door, and he didn’t even watch before peeling away from the street. I headed up to the entry doors, but hadn’t even opened them before my phone buzzed.

The text message floated across my screen.

Unknown: Remember to be a good little dove.

This man had my phone number, had probably gotten it when I’d been showering. This man had his shadow over life…

And this man wanted me to know it.

Chapter Four


My grandpa was already at the frat house by the time Royal and I pulled up to it. And how did I know? Because the whole house was quiet. Seriously, there was only one fucking squad car there in the street, the officer tipping his hat at Royal and me before getting back into his car. Grandfather had taken care of everything, clearly.

Royal tapped a hand against my chest, and we headed inside, my buddy coming along with me for this second ride of the night. I hadn’t needed him, but after explaining everything to him at the motel, he’d said he wanted to come along. He’d wanted to drop December off at her apartment first, and since I’d had Greer, we met up after we had clear cars. December had fought him, but gratefully Greer hadn’t fought me. The little dove knew her place in all this, but I’d definitely be following up with her and keeping her mouth quiet.

Especially since Gramps looked pissed.

He chatted with a few of the frat brothers. Though not many. Serious to shit, there was like nobody here, the party completely ended and nothing but the usuals moseying about. One would think a dead body hadn’t been upstairs tonight, and upon seeing Royal and me, Grandfather touched the shoulder of one of my fraternity brothers. He knew the guy well, also Court with the gorilla ring on his finger. Back home, we called it the King, the mascot of my high school, but it meant a hell of a lot more than that. That gorilla’s bite meant power, influence, and something I clearly had here.

“I’m sorry for the loss of your fraternity brother, son,” Grandfather said, frowning. “I know it’s been an eventful night, but do try to get some sleep. I’ve taken care of everything, and you don’t have to worry.”

My frat brother shook his head. “I just had no idea Bryce was so troubled. Fucking crazy.” The guy’s head sagged before shaking Grandfather’s hand. “Thank you for being here, Mr. Reed, and taking care of all this.”

“Of course, and say hello to your father for me.”

Nothing more than that before my frat bother passed me, pounding both Royal’s fist and mine before leaving the room. Like I said, we all knew each other well being from the same town, and obviously, Grandfather really had taken care of everything. I’d called him after I’d dropped off Greer, explained everything to him, and he’d told me to meet up with him at the house after I’d gotten done with Royal. I’d used my buddy as an alibi tonight, saying after Bryce shot himself in front of me, I’d headed over to his place to change. Royal wasn’t a part of the fraternity, and frankly, he’d had enough of any type of brotherhood after we left Maywood Heights. I honest to God hadn’t blamed him. Because of that town and the corruption, his own dad was in prison. A long story but it was true. Royal lost a lot growing up in Maywood Heights. We all had.

A thought for another day, I headed over to my grandpa.

“Grandfather,” I said, the man touching my shoulder as he hugged me. He played it off that he wasn’t pissed to fucking hell about having to come here in the middle of the night and cover up a suicide, but even in his navy evening jacket, he was simmering. I knew because this man, for all intents and purposes, was my dad. I’d lost my own father early, my mom basically not close behind, and Grandfather had been there to pick up the pieces. His expression was stern when he pulled away.

“A Coventry? Really, boy?” he said to me, but did nod at Royal when he pulled away. Grandfather braced Royal’s hand. “I take it you haven’t been able to keep my grandson out of trouble with your arrival this term?”

Royal liked my grandpa. We all did. He seemed like the one sane one out of all Court fathers and grandfathers despite being so stern. With a short but genuine smile, Grandfather pulled Royal in as well, his hug firm.

“When have I ever been able to control him?” Royal stated, and truth, I said nothing beside him. I did what the fuck I wanted to do, end of story, but I hadn’t wanted this tonight. Royal frowned. “The first I’d heard of what happened was shortly before you.”

“Mmm.” Grandfather tapped a cane, only partially needing it. The other was just to intimidate on the days his arthritis wasn’t bothering him at all. A hand and he led Royal and me through my own house, our destination the lower balcony out back to talk candidly. No one was really around, and though I wasn’t surprised, still my grandpa’s capabilities astounded me.

“I take it everything has been handled?” I asked, leaning against the wooden railing. Scenic, the frat house looked over a valley of trees and wilderness, a winding hill on the way down to Pembroke U’s campus. The quad could actually be seen a little bit from here, at least the steeple of the administration building.

Grandfather eased himself into a lounge chair, and barely a minute out there, another one of my frat brother’s joined us. He had a cup of something hot in his hand, steaming in the night, and he handed it off to my grandpa, basically fucking bowing after.

“Good to see you, Mr. Reed,” he said. “And thank you again for tonight. Keeping all this quiet? My father would have handed it to me if I’d had to call him.”

I was sure of a lot of them would, none of our dads, uncles, or grandpas down for scandal.

Another previous Court member, my brother bumped a fist against mine, Royal’s second, before excusing himself.

“I take it that answers your question?” Grandfather stirred what was no doubt black tea, his favorite. His sip slow, he stared out into the abyss of trees and stars, something

he most likely did around my age as well. This college and this frat were legacy, the ivy league closest to our hometown. A lot of power ebbed and flowed from within these four walls. Grandfather’s lips pursed tight. “Though not without a significant amount of labor on my part. I owe the county police department new uniforms and gear for all their officers.” He frowned. “Then there’s the Coventry boy’s family.”

Both Royal and I cringed. My shoulder lifted. “Will it be an issue or…”