King chuckles. “I told you that sour patch kids aren’t a great idea for a pizza topping.”

“Hey,” I reply with my bottom lip stuck out like the child I very much feel like in this moment. “The baby wants what the baby wants.”

He nods. “I agree. But maybe, keep the candy and the pizza separate before you turn in for the night?”

Remembering the dream I just woke up from, on the floor no less, I have to agree. “Duly noted.”

King leans in over my massive belly and kisses me. The feeling of his full lips on mine sends a full-body shiver down my spine. We’ve been together for years. Three kids and one on the way, and I still tremble at his touch. They say lust fades with time.

Well, they don’t know shit.

King sits up with a groan and runs his hand over his face.

Again, I pout, this time at the loss of contact.

King stands from the bed and holds out his hand to me. “Come on. I want to show you something.”

“But, can’t you show me later?” I ask, wagging my eyebrows suggestively. “You know, after?”

King’s gaze rakes over me, starting at my tangled hair, down to my engorged boobs straining against my tank top stained with pizza sauce from last night, stopping at my rounded belly, covered with fresh red stretch marks, which is only half-covered by my all too small top.

No wonder he’s turning me down. I’m a fucking mess.

I move my hands to cover my body and look away. I feel my face redden.

He sits back down and takes my hands in his, removing them from my body. “Baby, look at me.”

I shake my head like the hormonal, pregnant, petulant child I’ve become.


I know better than to ignore the warning in his voice.

Reluctantly, I meet his dark green gaze. His forehead is lined, and his lips form a frown. “You don’t cover up in front of me. Haven’t I said that to you before?”

“Yeah, but that’s before I…” I wave my hands at the mess my body has become even though my mind isn’t any cleaner. “Before I became this.” I hate the lack of confidence in my voice. It’s not me. None of this is. It’s not my body. My voice. My thoughts. But I can’t help the worry, the insecurity, or any one of the negative thoughts I’ve been having, no matter how hard I’ve tried to ignore them.

“You don’t cover up in front of me. I meant it. You think I don’t want these perfect tits in my mouth right now?” King circles my nipple with his thumb, and my entire body jerks as a bolt of pleasure courses through me. His hand moves down my body, over my belly, and cups me over my underwear. He gives me a light squeeze, and for a second, I see nothing but white light behind my eyes. “Fuck, Pup. The way you respond to me.” He bites his bottom lip. “You make me so fucking hard. Always have.” He leans in, and his lips graze my ear. My skin comes alive with need and anticipation. “With my baby in your belly and everything so sensitive on that fucking body of yours, I’m finding it real hard not to lift you off this bed.” He points to the corner of the room. “And make you watch in that mirror as I bend you over, pull on that hair of yours, and fuck you while you scream my name.”

My mouth goes completely dry. I swallow hard. “Then why don’t you?” Eyes dark with lust, King stands up again, shaking his head. “Because we can’t.” Another wave of rejection is about to crash into me when King adds, “Because of what the doctor said. I can’t fuck you. Not until after the baby comes.”

“I don’t think he used those exact words,” I grumble, finally remembering our thirty-six-week doctor’s appointment yesterday. I’d had some spotting and mild cramping over the last few days. Everything checked out with the baby, but because orgasms can stimulate contractions and preterm labor, I was given a prescription of no sex or sexual stimulation of any kind.

“So, you do remember,” King says.

“I remember now. Although, in my defense, my thoughts were on the pizza waiting for me at home. I might not have considered the severity of the whole no sex thing.”

King smiles. “We’ve got the rest of our lives, Pup.” He kisses me on the cheek and whispers suggestively in my ear, “Besides, I promise I’ll spend a lot of time making it worth the wait.”

With hard nipples and a throbbing between my thighs that won’t be satisfied anytime soon, I grab a pillow from the bed groan into it.

King laughs, and I reward him by lifting the pillow from my face and swatting him with it.