“Oh, I think he found his new favorite toy,” I say.

After playing for a long time, Ethan picks up his phone and says, “I think we need a photo of this moment.”

He props Will between us, then holds the phone up. Ethan and I lean in so our heads are touching and he snaps a couple of pics. Then he turns to me, with the camera still poised above his head and kisses me hard on the mouth.

When he lowers his hand, we both look at the pictures he took. “There,” he says. “We’ve got a nice little family started.”

“Yes, we do. Maybe not in the right order, but…”

"But, who cares? We're in love. We found each other again, and if we can make more like this little guy, we're going to have a houseful of love forever."

An hour later, Ethan leaves for the hotel to collect his things. He called his coach to tell him what happened and say that he wasn’t going back to Arizona today but would be there as soon as he could get us packed up. His coach wasn’t thrilled with the news, but since Ethan is their star player, he had to allow it.

My Aunt Karen brings up some empty boxes from the basement while I pack Will’s clothes into a big suitcase she lent us.

She puts the boxes down and kisses me on the head. "I'm so happy for you, sweetie."

"Me, too. I'm in shock still. I can't believe this is actually happening." I give her a big hug. "I'm going to miss you so much. You should come live with us."

“No, you and Ethan and Will need time to get to know each other. But I hear Arizona’s nice in the winter. Maybe I’ll rent a condo there for a couple of months.”

“Oh, would you? That would make everything so much better. Will and I need you.”

“You won’t need me anymore, but I want to stay part of your lives anyway.”

We give each other a long hug, then a knock at the door interrupts us.

Will runs to the door with me, and when I open it, Ethan is standing there, looking happy and handsome. Will rushes to him and Ethan picks him up and swoops him into his arms.

“Will, that’s your dad. Can you say dad?” I ask.

Will puts his little hands on Ethan’s face and says, “Dadadadad.”

Ethan's face lights up, and he pulls our son in for a hug. "That's right, buddy. I'm your dad."



When we pull up in front of Ethan's house, my jaw drops. It's a mansion in a southwest style with a red clay roof and rounded, tall double doors at the front. A gate slowly slides open after Ethan punches in a passcode. He turns to me and grins. "The passcode is J-E-S-S."


“Yes. It’s always been you, Jessica.” He takes my hand and kisses my knuckles. “Welcome home.”

We park out front and walk in through the front door, Ethan ca

rrying Will in one arm. Will wiggles his way down and starts to explore and we follow him. The house is enormous but somehow homey, with eight bedrooms, nine bathrooms, and an enormous swimming pool in the backyard. The second Will sees the pool, he starts to laugh and clap. "Swim. I swim!"

An hour later, the two of them are still in the pool. I spend the time wandering around the house, then make some lemonade and go outside to be with them.

Ethan lifts Will onto the deck and then climbs out himself. They both have a long drink while I warn Will it’s almost naptime.

“Mmm, naptime. I like the sound of that,” Ethan says, kissing me on the neck. “Do we get naptime, too?”

“Oh, yeah. We’re going to nap at least twice this afternoon.”

“And then at least three times tonight?” He asks, nuzzling my neck.