I struggle with the gas cap on his boat for a second, then, suddenly, he’s right next to me, his hand brushing against mine as he flicks it open with ease.

“There we go. It was a bit stuck,” he says, his words tickling my ear.

“Thanks.” I grab the gas hose and insert it, then start filling the tank, wishing I was doing anything but this. Standing here in a bright green ball cap and matching golf shirt that says “Gas ‘N Go” on it isn’t exactly how I like to make a first impression on someone like him. Not that he’d ever be interested in some poor townie like me.

The smaller version of him hops out of the boat and the dock bounces a little under his weight. “I’m going to grab some gum. Oh, and some beer.”

Ethan laughs at him. “Good luck with that, baby face.” He turns to me. “That’s my brother, Teddy. He has a better chance at scoring a date with Beyoncé than scoring a six-pack of beer.”

I laugh, then say, “So really great odds, then.”

He stares at me for a second and I find myself wondering if I have something on my face because he's really staring. Like staring, staring. I should have put on some makeup this morning. Dammit.

“What are you doing after work?”

"Umm, probably just go home to study actually." I shrug, feeling stupid. "I'm taking a correspondence course right now."

“Oh, yeah? What are you taking?”

“Human Anatomy Level One,” I say.

“Really? Anatomy? Do you want to be a doctor?”

“No, massage therapist.”

“So, you’re taking summer classes?”

"Yeah, well, I've been saving up to go to college, but in the meantime I figured I'd get started." My entire face flames with humiliation at having just admited to needing to save money to this guy. He's probably never heard the concept before.

“You’re ambitious.” He smiles. “I like that.”

I screw up my face a little. “Well, I’m not doing it to impress you.” Ack! Where did that sassy remark come from?

Ethan laughs, then nods. “Nice. Puts me right in my place. Any chance you can take a break from studying ligaments and joints long enough to hang out?”

Did he just ask me out? Oh, my God, I think he did. Sassy girl attitude worked! "I could possibly find time in my busy schedule, but it would depend…"

"On what?"

“On what you mean by hang out.”

“I don’t know.” His gaze falls down to my lips for a second and I think I know what he wants. Every bit of me wants to give it to him too, in spite of what I know will happen if I do.

He swallows, then keeps talking. “Walk on the beach, maybe grab an ice cream or a burger or something. Unless you’re a vegan, of course. Then we could grab some sorbet or a veggie burger…”

“What if I have a boyfriend?” The gas pump shuts off and I give it a second to let it drip into the tank before I pull it out.

“Then I’ll have to make him disappear.” He says with a sexy grin. “Do you?”


“Good. Then it’s settled.”

I fight a smile with everything in me. “What if I’m not interested in you?”

“Well, then I’ll have to come back every day until you are.”

“Hey, bro!” Ted’s voice cuts through the air. “You should see the knockers on the waitress in there. They’re like perfect double D’s.”