“That was nothing. I’ll make you come harder than that.”

“Not possible. I blacked out for a second there.”

“Good.” I lift my head off the pillow and kiss her on the forehead. “You let me eat you. Now, you’re going to let me feed you.”

“This is like the perfect date.” She says, grinning at me.

“That’s what I’m going for. I’m going to ruin you tonight, Dani. So that no other guy will ever be able to get close to you like this again. Only me.”

“I think you already have.”



“I’ve never sat naked on a very nude, very muscle-bound man while he feeds me spaghetti.”

“It’s angel hair pasta, actually, and tonight is all about firsts.” He says, kissing me on the mouth, then feeding me another spoonful of pasta.

As soon as I swallow it, I ask, “What if your roommate comes in?”

“Don’t worry about him. He’s out with the team which means he’ll be gone most of the night.” Clint takes another bite from the plate we’re sharing while I have a sip of water.

I’ve never felt this warm and cozy before. He’s taken care of my every need so thoughtfully and carefully that I never want to leave, which is nuts since we’ve only just met. The entire meal I can feel his erection against my bottom and I find myself wiggling against him without meaning to. He kisses his way up my neck to my earlobe and then does the most amazing thing with his teeth and I feel myself becoming even more aroused. Turning on his lap, I straddle him and wrap my arms around his thick neck. The fork clatters against plate as he lets go of it and then his hands are in my hair and he’s drawing me to him so he can kiss me again. Our kisses quickly become frantic and now that I’ve been fed, I’m ready to have him again. I rub myself against his hard, thick cock and drench him with my juices.

“Careful, now,” he says in a low tone. “We should get protection, even though I want to feel my bare cock inside your soft little pussy so bad I could almost burst.”

“Let’s do it. Just for a minute. We’ll stop before it’s too late.” I kiss him full on the mouth before he can protest and wiggle my hips, bringing him inside me exactly where I need him. The feel of his bare cock against me is intoxicating as he stretches me in a way that only been done once before, about an hour ago.

As I impale myself on his big cock, I hear and feel a loud groan interrupt from within his chest. I know he wants this is much as I do. I can tell by the look on his face right now and by the way he wraps his hand around my hair so he can control the pace even though I’m on top. My nipples peak as I rub my breasts against his hard body and grind my hips into his lap. We kiss and explore each other with our hands wildly, as though we’ll never be close enough to satisfy what burns between us. It doesn’t take long for my orgasm to hit and I close my eyes tightly as my breath stutters and my body shutters over him. “Oh, Clint, yes. Just like that.”

I ride him until my orgasm is over then tuck my head into his chest and listen to his heart pound. He’s still as hard as a rock inside me and I know I need to let him go before we make a huge mistake, but I don’t want to. I want to keep him here inside me like this forever. I’ve never felt this good before, this feminine or this beautiful.

He stands, lifting me with him as he walks us back to the bedroom, stopping every few feet to press me against the wall and thrust himself into me harder and harder. We both know we shouldn’t be doing this and yet, neither of us are able to stop. By the time we reach the bed, I’m ready to come again. He tries to lift me off of him but I grip him harder with my legs and beg him not to stop. “Wait. I’m ready again. Please don’t stop.”

“We should stop.”

“Please, Clint. I need you to keep going.” I rub myself against him, his thick, long erection stretching me and touching every nerve ending in my body. My toes curl up first, and then my entire body shakes as I go over the edge again in wave after wave of delicious pleasure.

As soon as I’m done, he lifts me off of him and lays me on the bed so he can suit up. I’m a ragdoll now, so satisfied that I can barely lift my head. I feel the blankets covering my body and then he slips into bed behind me and pulls me close to him, spooning me as he folds his sculpted arm over my side and tucks me in to him. With one long thrust, he’s inside me again. I turn my head toward him as much as I can and press his cheek to mine as he moves in all the way and then out and back again. Over and over until we’re both ready. He whispers my name as he bucks his hips. I feel him throbbing inside me and we both let go.

I don’t know if this is love, but whatever it is, I don’t ever want it to stop. I’ve never felt this calm or happy in my life. I drift off to sleep in his arms, with him still inside me and I fall into the best sleep I’ve ever had.

The next week is the most amazing one of my entire life. I’m landing every jump, hitting every mark, and being loved in a way I never have before. It’s like for the first time, everything is falling into place for me, after an entire life spent preparing. Clint is perfect. I stay at his place every night and fall asleep, safe and warm in his arms. Lucky for us, Hunter met someone too, a woman from the Swiss ski team, and he’s been spending his nights there.

I don’t ever want this to end. We make love in the shower, in the kitchen, on the floor, in bed, anywhere the mood strikes us, which is basically everywhere and all the freaking time. When we’re not having sex, we talk about the games and he gives me the secret to thinking like a champion. “You have to know you’ve earned it. You have to believe that you deserve it. And you have to know that you are ready. And you are, Dani. I’ve seen you out there. You’re ready.”

We’re both so happy that we don’t even bother to keep our relationship a secret. We go everywhere together—the gym, the cafeteria, the rink, and back to his place. Clint is proud to be with me, and holds my hand or keeps his arm around me wherever we go, even if his teammates are around.

In a few days, my parents will arrive. They’re expecting to spend a lot of time with me, I know. What they aren’t going to expect is for me to have fallen in love with one of the biggest names in hockey. My gut aches a little when I think about them showing up. I want to scream out to the world that I’m in love, but I know they are the two people on this earth who won’t be happy to hear about it. Well, them and Brooke Donovan. She’s been watching us closely and wearing a scowl.

This morning, when he walked me to the dressing room before practice, she was there. He gave me a long kiss goodbye, and when he left the room she shook her head. “Danika, I’m starting to worry about you. I know you think he’s the one, but, he really isn’t. You’re his Games Girl. As soon as you land state-side, he’ll be gone like a rocket.”

My jaw clenches and I glare at her. “Yeah, and you also thought he was engaged, but he never was. You don’t know him, Brooke, so I’d appreciate it if you’d just keep your opinions to yourself.”

“Oh, he was engaged, all right. Just Google it. You’ll see a pic of him with Ashley that she posted on Instagram right before Christmas.”

I feel my knees go weak but I keep a brave face. “Whatever happened with her is over.”