“You all right?” I ask, keeping my voice gentle, even though I’d like to kick the shit out of her coach.

She looks up, surprise crossing her tear-stained face. “What are you doing here?”

“I watched your practice. Your coach is a real prick.”

Shaking her head, she says, “It’s not him. It’s me. I fell apart out there.”

“I thought you were doing fine until he just kept pushing you past your limits.”

Dani starts walking quickly, passing me as she pulls her wool hat over her wet hair. “He knows what he’s doing. He’s had two skaters medal at the last three Winter Games.”

I match her pace as she hurries to the exit. “If he’s so great, why have you been crying?”

Dani stops in her tracks and turns to me. “Can you just…not…” When she turns to keep walking, I grab her arm with my hand and stop her.

“Dani, you can talk to me.”

“I don’t even know you.”

“Let’s change that.” I reach up and touch her cheek with my fingers. Her skin is every bit as soft as I thought it would be.

She closes her eyes for a second, then opens them and says, “If I were your fiancée, I wouldn’t want you treating another woman like this.”

Where did that come from? “If you were my fiancée, I wouldn’t treat another woman like this.”

“Clint, please. Just go back to your underwear model.”

“Are you talking about Ashley?”

“I don’t know her name. I just know you’re engaged.”

“No, I’m not.” I shake my head. “She wanted me to propose and I thought about it, but then her ex bought her a yacht and she went back to him. Where’d you hear that anyway?”

“One of the girls on the team knows someone who knows someone who knows Ashley.”

“Well, that sounds like a reliable source.” I stare down at her, feeling irritated by the gossip mill and a little bit at Danika for believing it. “I have to say, I’m a little insulted that you’d think I’d be hitting on you if I were engaged. Just because I’m a hockey player doesn’t mean I’m an asshole.”

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed the worst, but to be fair, you’re probably the most cocky guy I’ve ever met and that’s saying something.”

“Cocky, yes. But I’m also loyal.” I smile down at her. “And very single.”

“Listen, Clint, I really can’t do this.”

“Why not?”

She shakes her head, looking adorably irritated. “I’ve already told you. I’m here to win and that doesn’t involve letting some guy distract me.”

“I’m not just some guy. I’m the right guy.” I lower my face to hers and hold my lips an inch from hers. “I’m going to help you win.”



I close my eyes just as his lips touch mine. Softly. Slowly. Carefully, as though he’s testing the waters with one toe only to find me warm and inviting. The sounds of voices echoing around the enormous stadium fade into the background as I let myself disappear into him.

He tastes like mint and smells of soap and aftershave. And the feeling of his mouth on mine is pure heaven. I’ve never been kissed like this before. Not one time. This is what Tasha and I would call a movie kiss—you know, the kind that your leg floats up behind you on its own without you even meaning to. I want to sigh and smile and scream all at the same time, but I won’t because then he wouldn’t be kissing me, and I don’t ever want him to stop.

I let my skate bag fall to the floor with a thump, then roam his perfectly sculpted abs and chest with my fingertips. His hands find their way to my hips and he pulls me to him, then spins us so my back is to the wall and his body is pressed against me, his huge, hard erection pressed against my stomach. I have to crane my neck to reach him because he’s so tall, and for one brief moment, I’m wishing I were Brooke. Or at least had a step ladder.