When we arrive at the airport, we’re greeted by a throng of girls who have come to see us off. Hunter gives them a quick smile and a wave and keeps walking toward the security check-in, but I stop to say hello and pose for some pics. By the time I work my way through the crowd, I hear my name being called over the loud speaker, “Clint Sullivan, report to gate G-52 immediately for boarding.”

“Sorry, ladies, that’s me. Make sure you cheer loud enough so I can hear you in Korea. And meet me back here when we get home. I’ll be the guy with a gold medal around his neck.” I wink at an especially hot brunette and the look on her face tells me she’ll be waiting.



So, we’ve been sitting on the plane waiting for one fartknocker who has clearly decided he’s more important than the rest of the people flying today. One of the flight attendants picks up the phone, then after a minute hangs up, then turns to her colleague. “Tell the captain that our straggler has just passed security. He’ll be here in two minutes.”

I slide on my neck pillow and position my Hello Kitty eye mask on top of my head so I can go to sleep as soon as the security briefing is done. I’ve decided to get on Korea Standard Time right away and it’s already night time there. I tap my foot, getting ready to glare at whoever it is that is making us late. I have a Grade A glare. I perfected it in middle school and now I’m glad I’m at the front of the plane so I can use it.

I turn to complain to Tasha but she’s engrossed in a conversation with the hottie sitting beside her. He got the window seat and she’s taking full advantage of having a captive audience for the next twelve plus hours. The way she’s fawning all over him, I’m pretty sure they’re going to join the mile-high club by the time we land.

“Hi, there.” A deep voice sounds from the door of the plane, and even though I can’t see who the voice belongs to, I know by the flight attendant’s reaction that he’s hot as sin.

She blushes and says, “Welcome aboard Mr. Sullivan. I’m a big fan of yours.”

“That makes me a lucky guy…” He pauses and she fills in the blank for him.


“Ginny, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Giggling like a school girl, Ginny says, “I’ll show you to your seat.”


She turns and starts down the aisle, letting him come into view. And holy heck! It’s like the entire plane stops and has to catch their breath at how freaking gorgeous this man is. He’s what would happen if Thor and Wonder Woman had a baby then raised him on nothing but protein.

I’m ready with my glare though because I do not tolerate a disrespectful jerk, no matter what he looks like. His eyes land on me and an amused look crosses his face. “Well, hello, Kitty. Let me know if you need some help getting to sleep later. I have a technique that works every time.”

I fold my arms across my chest. “Oh, is it making people wait for you to show up? Because that was a little boring…”

“Oh, you’re a feisty kitty. Nice.” He winks at me and my mouth drops open in shock as he follows the giggly flight attendant.

Tasha, who has temporarily forgotten seatmate hottie in favor of late guy hottie, grips my arm with her hand.

I turn to her and say, “What an ass, right?”

“I can’t see from this vantage point, but I’m guessing you’re right.”

Seatmate hottie, who turns out to be a sports reporter, leans across Tasha and says, “That’s Clint Sullivan, captain of the US hockey team. Don’t get sucked in by him. He goes through women like they’re paper napkins.”

“Oh, I have no intention of going anywhere near him.” I purse my lips. “Believe me.”

My plan to sleep is ruined by the fact that, apparently, I’m on the party airbus. As soon as the seatbelt sign is turned off, people all over the plane get up and gather in groups wherever they can. Pretty soon, it’s more like a cocktail party than a flight. I sigh, tugging off my mask and giving up.

Tasha looks over at me. “Giving in to the fun?”

“This is insane. The pheromones are so thick on this plane, it’s a wonder you can see out the windows.”

Tasha laughs. “Relax, sweetie, when we land, we’ll have two weeks until the opening ceremonies. How about taking a break from being perfect for a few hours?”

“I’m not—”

“Sure, you are. There is not one person on this plane with a tighter…schedule than you. Now, why don’t you let yourself take a dip in all the man candy we’re swimming in? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and no matter whether you win gold or silver, you’ll always regret not taking advantage of this moment,” she says, standing up and climbing over my legs to get to the aisle. “Which is exactly what I’m going to do. The ski team guys are at the back of the plane and I have got to meet them. You coming?”

“No, thank you.” I bend at the waist and shove my eye mask and pillow into my carry-on, then pull out my Sudoku puzzles. They always manage to relax me, no matter how stressed I am.