Page 24 of Hers To Love

“I gotta find out what he gave you,” he said. He told the manager to send the ambulance crew to his room. When he opened up his door, he placed her gently on the bed.

“Don’t move.” His gorgeous face was but a breath away from hers. “And don’t you die on me.”

Chapter Thirteen


David called the front desk to ask how long before the ambulance would arrive. Fear gripped his heart. He’d finally found the one and Jay once again attempted to take what was his away.

Cara sank into a deep sleep. She didn’t wake until she was in the hospital. She’d lost several hours, but when she came to, David was with her. He hadn’t left her side. He’d never leave her side.

She looked from him to Marissa and Tommy then back to him before she said, “Hi.” Her voice broke like she would cry.

“You’re going to be okay,” David assured. “You only took a little of whatever he slipped you.”

Her face turned white. “My sobriety date,” she moaned grabbing her head.

“You’re fine,” said Marissa. “This isn’t the same thing as slipping. You’re going to be okay, sweetie, don’t worry.”

She and Tommy took turns, kissing her on the forehead. “We’ll let you get some rest. If you need anything, we’re only a phone call away.”

When she and David were alone, Cara studied his gorgeous face, his features now etched with concern as he rubbed the back of his neck and stared down at her. “I’m so sorry, Cara. I feel like this is all my fault. If you’d never met me, you wouldn’t have been a target for that bastard.”

“Come here,” she said, her heart breaking for him. When his forehead touched hers, she wrapped her arms around his back and squeezed him tight. “I’m all right, really, and meeting you was the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

David let out a long sigh of relief. “You don’t know how happy I am to hear you say that. When I saw you lying there, I thought I might lose you, and then after the doctor said you’d be okay, I thought maybe you’d never want to see me again for getting you mixed up in this shit.”

“I could never blame you for what happened today. Jay is the one who hurt me. Not you.” Cara kissed him gently on the lips, but soon realized she wanted more.

“I can take you out of here any time,” he said. “Come with me. I don’t want to let you out of my sight. Will you come and sleep with me in the hotel, so I can hold you?”

“What time is it?”

“It’s almost nine o’clock,” he said. “It’s time for bed. Time for us to be together.”

Her eyes twinkled as if her spark of mischief was back. “So, all I have to do to kick whatever Jay gave me is sleep it off?”

He grinned. “Yeah, but I think the doctor said you should sleep with me.”

“Is that right?”

“Well, those weren’t his exact words, but they were close. Something about not being alone. It’s the same in my book.”

“I agree. You know what I really want to do?”

“You name it.”

“I want to go to my place and surf my water bed. I want you to have sex with me on it,” she said. “I want to make waves and then I want you to cuddle with me.”

A huge smile spread across his face.

“No can do. We can go to your place. We will make lots of waves, but it won’t be sex. I want to make love to you. It’s what I feel, and anything short of that won’t be enough.”

An hour later, Cara was released from the hospital. She changed back into her sexy little outfit, now tarnished by the drama.

“What happens to Jay?” she asked as David drove her home.

“He’s in jail. They caught him on the surveillance tapes lacing your drink. I think he heard me say I was having lunch with you. He’s such a predator. The police want you to come make a statement tomorrow. I want to go with you. I’m not going to let you go through this alone.”