Page 17 of Make Me Wet

“What’s it going to be, sweetheart? Do you want to be wise or do you want to have fun?”

I finish my drink. “I want it all, Asa Cross. I want the fairy tale. I want the fantasy. I want you.”

“Are you ready to dive into the deep end with me?”

Feeling emboldened by his presence, his smile, his scent, I lift up on my tiptoes and whisper in his ear. “I’m ready for everything. Make me wet, Asa.”

It isn’t until dinnertime that I see my parents and they are dressed like they are going to a ball. I am dressed like I’ve just fallen out of bed, and I have because I went straight to the room and made love to Asa for hours.

My father approaches Asa as if they are old friends. “Is everything ready?” Dad asks.

“It’s all ready on my end.”

They all look at me, but I don’t understand. They seem to speak in code.

“We are just about ready,” my mother says. “This one needs a little fairy god mothering.” Mom wraps her arm around mine. “We’ll be back.”

Mom and Justice whisk me away to a Justice’s room.

“Do you love him, honey?” Mom asks.

“More than I can imagine. He’s everything, Mom.” I sit on the bed next to my mom and watch as Justice pulls several things from her closet.

“It’s like a fairytale come true,” she says. She hands me a shoebox and sits on the bed across from me.

I lift the lid and find crystal-encrusted shoes. “Glass slippers.” I say on a shocked exhale.

“He came to visit your father and me this week. He loves you.”

Next Justice hands me a clothing bag. My hands shake as I pull down the zipper. Inside is a gown designed for a princess.

“He had it made especially for you,” Mom says. “The glass slippers, the gown, he wants you to have it all, sweetheart.”

“Oh my God, Mom, is this what I think it is? Are you here because I’m getting married?”

My mom smiles and nods. “Only if you want him, Libby. We are here to support you no matter your decision.”

I look at the dress and the shoes. “I love him, Mom, and I want the fairytale.” I look at myself in the mirror. “It’s time for some of that fairy god mothering you were talking about.”

An hour later, I walk to the aft deck decorated in tulle and roses. A string quartet plays in the background while a tuxedo-clad Asa walks up to greet me.

“You look beautiful, Libby.” He drops to his knee in front of me and my heart soars to the sky. “I know this is kind of rushed and backwards. I should have asked you before I set up the wedding but—”

“Yes, Asa. I’ll marry you.”

He laughs. “I haven’t asked yet.”

My heart thump thumps in my chest. “But you were going to, right?”

“Yes, Libby.” He pulls a ring from his pocket and places it at the tip of my ring finger. “Liberty Ferall,” he chuckles and I want to give him a poke in the side, but I don’t. “Will you marry me?”

“Yes, Asa Cross. I will.” He slides the enormous stone on my finger and walks me to the altar where three men besides my father stand.

Captain Christos stands next to my sister and talks on the phone. When he hangs up, he points to my father. “We’re still in US waters sir. If you’ll do the honors.”

Asa and I stand together on his ship and recite the vows that bind us forever.

“I love you, Liberty Cross,” he says when my father announce