Page 9 of Make Me Crazy

I climb the biggest rock I can find and hold my phone up, but get nothing. Not even one bar of signal strength. I’m stuck here. I’m completely alone and I’m stranded. Not one person other than Mac knows where I am. This is bad. Very, very bad.

“Okay, calm down, Paige. Mac told you he wasn’t going to leave you, and you have to trust him. He must have a good reason for being gone. Maybe he found help and he’ll be right back on a boat or something to get me and take me to Lover’s Cay.”

Am I seriously talking to myself already? It’s going to take me about another ten minutes before I draw a face on a coconut and name him.

I find a spot in the shade and sit down while I wait. He’ll be here soon.

It’s not long before I see Mac coming over a bluff in the distance. He’s carrying a bag in one hand. “Good morning, sleepyhead.”

I jump up and hurry toward him. “Did you find a store?”

“Not exactly, but I did find us some food.” When we reach each other, I want to throw my arms around his neck and kiss him. I’ve never been so happy to see anyone in my life. Not just because I’m scared to be alone out here, but because it felt so good when he held my hand and when he carried me in his arms last night.

He pulls a couple bottles of juice out of the bag.

“Where’d you find those?”

“I walked the perimeter of the island. There’s a fishing cottage on the other side.”

My heart pounds in my chest. “Was somebody there?”

“No, but it looks like someone’s been there recently. I think we should gather our things and go stay there until whoever it is that owns it comes back.”

I jump up and down a couple of times. “We’re going to get rescued!”

“Yup. It’s just a matter of time.”


Ten minutes later, we’ve written a note in case someone finds the helicopter, and we’re loaded with what we need. Mac has his fishing gear and a small bag of clothes and energy bars. I have my big makeup case, even though he made fun of me for wanting to bring it. Well, not so much made fun of me as said, “You don’t need any of that. Not with the way you look.”

My entire body gets warm when I think about it as we hike along the shore. I’m already really hot actually because the sun is beating down and my hand is totally sweaty as I hold onto the handle of my case. I know it’s silly to bring it and it makes me seem high maintenance, but, hey, I am kind of high maintenance. And somehow, having my Bobbie Brown with me lets me feel more connected to civilization.

We turn the corner and find ourselves in the shade.

“That’s better,” Mac says, turning back to me. “You doing okay there, twinkle toes?”

“Twinkle toes?”

He glances at my toenails, which are bright pink with gold sparkles.

“Oh, I get it.”

Mac grins, causing dimples to pop on either side of his mouth. His very kissable mouth. I blush at the thought of kissing him and hope he can’t read my mind.

“I can slow down if I’m going too fast for you.”

“I’m good.” I’m not, but I can’t very well admit that I can’t keep up even though he’s carrying a case of water bottles and a very heavy-looking backpack, while I pretty much just have my makeup. I huff and puff along behind him, my feet sinking into the sand as we make our way around the island.

When we finally reach the cottage, my mouth falls open. It’s nothing much to look at, but to me it’s paradise. It’s a small white house with a red clay roof and a wrap-around porch. A hammock sways between two palms and a couple of lounge chairs wait in the shade for us.

“What do you think?” He asks.

“I think it’s the best thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life.” Except you, maybe.

“How’d you get in in the first place?”

“The door was unlocked. I imagine whoever owns the place doesn’t worry about thieves.”