Page 95 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

This isn’t my fault.

I know that.

But why did it seem that lately everything is?

I have been pacing the apartment for twenty minutes, all my calls to the bar and Fergus’s phone going unanswered, when there is a knock on the door.

I rush to it and look outside, using the peephole.

Seeing who is standing there, my heart nearly stops, and after some initial fumbling with the locks, I throw open the door.

Fergus stands there, leaning against the door jamb.

His slicked hair is ruffled, a bruise blooming on his cheek and his mouth bleeding. He doesn’t have a jacket on him, his black shirt torn. He looks like he just got into a fight.

He gives me a sheepish smile. “Sorry, I forgot the soup.”

I open my mouth and closed it.

Taking one step forward, I grab him by the lapels of his shirt and drag him down to slam my mouth against his. It is a swift punishing kiss, and even though my body tingles where his hands brush as he drags me closer, I push him away, glaring. “What the hell is wrong with you? I was so worried!”

The delight in his eyes makes me bite my tongue. “You were worried about me


I step aside to let him in and close the door behind him. “Of course, I was! We were talking, and suddenly there’s shouting, and somebody is hitting someone, and then the phone went dead! You wouldn’t even pick up! I had to call the bar!”

Fergus limps to the couch I had just vacated and sits with a wince. “You called the bar? I was at the restaurant today. I had the meeting with the marketing exec–”

He stops mid-sentence, and then looks at me. “Who did you talk to?”

Had he been wanting to say marketing executive? Isn’t he just a bartender?

However, he is waiting for a response, and I frown. “Some guy. He told me not to worry and that he’d handle it, and then he hung up.”

Fergus blinks and then pats his pockets, cursing. “I dropped my phone.”

I offer him mine, and he accepts it gratefully.

When his fingers graze mine, I realize how cold they are. “You’re freezing. Wait!”

As he makes his calls, I rush around to raise the temperature of the apartment and grab some towels.

When I come back, he is arguing with someone on the phone. “Look, I’m fine. No, I don’t need a hospital. Shut it or I’m going to stick that stupid breadstick up your ass!”

“Is everything okay?” I mouth, handing him a towel.

He rolls his eyes at me and then growls. “Unless you plan to play nursemaid, Ian, get off my ass.”

When he ends the call, I purse my lips. “That sounded bad.”

He looks startled. “Oh, no. He was just ragging on me.”

I watch him towel his hair, and ask hesitantly, “Was it Ian that I talked to on the phone? Does he work with you?”

Fergus tries rolling up his sleeves before making a disgusted sound. Giving up on that, he starts unbuttoning his shirt. “Yeah. He doesn’t work there.”

Then, he glances at me, his hands pausing. “Uh, sorry. My shirt’s wet. I have to take it off.”