Page 91 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

I kick his shin under the table, making him whimper. “Stop being a jerk, Seth. What is wrong with you today?”

He glares at me as he leans down to rub his shin. “Well, it’s not like you to pick up men at bars and then bring them home. I’m just concerned.”

I sniff. “Well, don’t be.”

Seth is relentless, however.

“What if he did something to you, Sarah? What if he cornered you once you two were alone together?”

I stare at him, starting to feel annoyed. “I was sick, Seth. He helped me out. Why are you making such a big deal about this?”

“Because I don’t like him,” he snaps. “He rubs me the wrong way. Do you even know anything about him?”

I rub my temples, annoyed. “Everyone I associate with rubs you the wrong way, Seth. We’re not kids anymore. I don’t need you to protect me.”

The gnawing headache is persistent, and I ignore Seth as he grumbles.

I can’t get my mind off Fergus and the way he walked out.

He thought that I was being reckless, that I didn’t care about myself.

I didn’t know how to tell him how scared I was.

I know how dangerous this gang is.

The effects of the drugs faded, but I am still quite nauseous and tired, and as I sit with Seth, I wish I could go home and crawl into bed.

It is more than just the effects of the drug. A part of me is shaken at what was done to me.

Fergus was right. Getting the police involved would mean getting too much attention from the Street Serpents. If they had me in their sights, I would never get the answers I want.

“You okay?” Seth gives me an apprehensive look. “You look pale.”

“Yeah.” I nod, jerkily. “Just a slight headache. You know, from the food poisoning.”

Seth looks incredulous. “You have a headache because of food poisoning?”

I shrug and try to divert the subject. “So, how’s the community center going? I heard you were thinking of setting up a small gym for the kids.”

Seth smiles, his entire face transforming.

The minute he got out of foster care, Seth started working at the local community center, starting as one of the helpers and gradually moving up the ladder over the years to finally becoming one of the top-tier members who managed and ran the center. He put a decade of work into it, and he adores this place.

He always loved kids.

“I thought maybe a gym for the younger kids would help them relieve their stress. I’ve already invested some of the funds in some easy equipment, and we managed to secure a centrally located area near the school district. It’s going great! You should come check it out. I can give you a tour.”

My smile is forced as he rambles on.

I want to be happy for him, but there is a gaping emptiness in my chest, a gnawing pain, and I want to get away from this place, from him.

I need to be out there, looking for my little brother, trying to hunt down some clues instead of sitting here, eating pasta and making small talk.

“You’re far away.” Seth blinks at me owlishly, his dark eyes holding disappointment. “What’s wrong?”

My shoulders tense, my headache steadily becoming worse. “I think I’m going to leave, Seth. I’m still not feeling so well.”

Seth tenses. “I knew we should have stayed in.”