Page 79 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

This one is done with bold strokes of rose, gold, and red. Not a bad combination, I muse as I settle Sarah on the bed, where she makes a small sound.

The room has sparse furnishings, but everything looks well loved. The armchair has a throw on top of it, made from multicolored pieces of cloth.

A few drawings made by children are stuck on the wardrobe, and I can’t help but smile at how dedicated she is to her young students. There is also a picture of her and a young man. She is grinning with her arm around his neck, and he looked pleased.

This must be the brother, I muse, stepping closer for a better view.

A niggling feeling of familiarity overwhelms me, and I wonder where I saw him before. I can’t place him, but a frown settles on my lips as my mind tells me I have met him.

Maybe at the bar? Or at one of the restaurants?

I glance at the unconscious woman on the bed and feel my blood stir, hot with anger.

This should never have happened.

Taking out my phone, I send a message to Felix, who is the official bartender of Ritters, my bar. His reply comes within seconds, and I feel some of my anger turn into satisfaction. With Sarah’s unwashed glass available, it will be easier to track down whatever she was drugged with.

I would have taken her to the hospital, but she didn’t seem in any immediate danger, and I did not want to get the police involved just yet.

However, I can’t just leave her here, either.

Sighing, I drag the armchair next to her bed and settle in for a long night.

Crossing my feet at my ankles, I study her and wonder where this protective streak came from, for her.

I wouldn’t be sitting in any other customer’s house, keeping an eye on them.

But Sarah isn’t any other customer.

I don’t know what she is.

She mumbles in her sleep, and I reach over and pull her blanket over her, making her sigh in contentment.

My heart skips a beat.

She’s not your type, I tell myself, sternly. And she’s not for you.

The streak of violence that is a part of me will scare her. And I never want the look of stark fear in her eyes. She is too innocent.

But even as I say that to myself, I muse at how easy it would be to whisk her off her feet.

She fascinates me.

She makes me laugh.

Her kindness shakes me.

For the past few days, I centered myself around the bar, always looking out for her.

Asking her out on one date couldn’t hurt, I try to convince myself.

But as I gaze at her sleeping face, something tells me that once I get a taste of Sarah, one date will never be enough.



My head hurts.