Page 74 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

I see the hesitation on her face, mixed with fear, but then it is replaced by stubbornness. “I’ll be fine. I’m not doing anything.”

“Look, all I’m saying is–”

“I didn’t ask for your help,” she says shortly, and I am more startled than offended by the anger in her tone.

I back away, determined to keep Dominic away from her. I don’t know what she is up to, but she seems terrified of the man she is looking at, and yet doesn’t care that she captured his attention.

My eyes don’t leave her form for too long. They keep going over to where she is sitting.

Her hair is tied in a braid today, but strands keep escaping. I have the urge to tuck them back in, and I grit my teeth. I don’t understand my reaction to this woman. She isn’t even my type.

The women I dated were more long-legged and slim-figured brunettes. They were more interested in my increasing success in the industry: the kind of women I had no guilt over having a good time with and then discarding.

Sarah is the complete opposite of these women. Physically, she has curves that make my cock harden just thinking about them. Her height is short enough that if we are to stand next to each other, the top of her head would barely reach my shoulder. She has a more innocent outlook on life from what I can tell. There is an exuberance to her personality, an openness that I never experienced before.

I wipe down the counter, frowning.

Of course, this is just what I understand about her from a few conversations. I could be completely wrong, and she could be a sexual deviant for all I know.

I glance at her again.

Whatever she is, letting Dominic anywhere near her was something I can never allow. I have seen the marks on his girlfriends’ necks, the bruises on their arms, the hopelessness in their eyes.

The glass I am wiping cracks under my grip and my lips thin as I toss it into the trash behind me.

For some reason, just imagining that broken look in Sarah’s sheepishly smiling eyes infuriates me.

So, when I see Dominic nudge one of his friends and gesture crudely towards Sarah, I have an urge to throw him out. But I hold back my desire and decide to inform the man that if he doesn’t clear his tab today, he is out.

I feel a pair of eyes on me and look over to see Sarah staring at me, her face holding a small pout that makes me want to groan.

Why does she affect me like this?

Trying to be professional, I approach her. “Can I get you anything?”

She fidgets with her fingers, a little nervous, and then blurts out, “I’m sorry.”

I stare at her. “For what?”

She fiddles with the small charm bracelet on her wrist, refusing to meet my eyes. “For being so rude to you when you were only looking out for me.”

I nod.

“That’s okay,” I reassure her.

She looks at me, uncertain. When she sees the small smile on my face, her shoulders relax.

“I’m not usually rude to people,” she confesses to me in a half-whisper.

I shrug my shoulders. “You weren’t rude. You just told me to mind my own business, which is fair enough.”

She opens her mouth and then closes it before trying again. “So, what do you do when you’re not bartending?”

I can’t help but tease her. “Why, Sarah, are you trying to ask me out?”

Then she blushes fiercely and shakes her head. “No, no! I was just curious! I mean, I think you’re very attractive, but I’m not… I mean to say, not that I wouldn’t–”

I throw my head back and laugh.