Page 65 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

“By the way,” he says, looking up at me, “We can’t have unprotected sex anymore.” I blink.

“Huh?” He nods, a wide grin on his face.

“Brenda called. She told me you were very much fertile. And are capable of giving me very beautiful babies. In fact, she insisted on it.” Amidst the warmth blooming in my chest, I can’t help but laugh.

“Brenda insisted on it, did she?” I feel his hands move along my body suggestively.

“I think we shouldn’t disappoint.” I laugh as he kisses me and then drags me close to hold me in his arms.

I hadn’t thought I would ever be this happy, but as this man teases me and keeps affirming his love for me, I let myself sink into the warmth that is him.





“Sir, Mr. Wolfe is in the back alley. He wants to have a word.”

I look up from where I am mixing the cocktail and blink. “Tell him to come inside. What’s he doing out in the cold?”

The nervous-looking server glances at the young woman who is sitting a few seats away, frowning down into her phone as her fingers move faster than one can see.

Is Zayn hiding from Agatha?

I run a hand through my shaggy brown hair and pat the pockets of my black pants for my cigarettes and lighter. “I’ll go see him. Tell Felix to take over.”

When my best friend’s younger sister looks up at me leaving, she asks, “Where are you going?”

I shrug. “Got to do something in the back. Felix is coming.”

When a smile grows on her face, I reach over and tug her blonde braid in reprimand. “Don’t flirt with him. I don’t want to have to fire another bartender because you decided to sleep with him.”

Agatha scowls. “Why can’t you be more like Philip and not care about my sex life?”

I give her a cheerful grin. “Because.”

The answer annoys her, and she rolls her eyes at me before returning to the phone to continue her conversation with whichever client she is trying to snare at the moment.

I nod to the tall German guy who is taking over. “The blonde’s my sister. Make eye contact for more than two seconds, and I’ll kick your ass.”

The man blinks at me uneasily, not knowing whether I am joking or serious, but I notice how he stays at the opposite end of the bar from Agatha.

Smart man.

As I move through the kitchen, I hear one of the staff talking in Gaelic, and I grin at hearing my mother tongue.

Twenty years away from Ireland did nothing to smother my thick accent.

Not that I even tried.

The ladies are always fascinated by the accent.

Slipping out through the back door, I see Zayn leaning against the wall, the dull red of the end of his cigarette gleaming in the darkness of the night.

“So, why’re you hiding from Agatha?” I ask as I take out a cigarette and light it.