Page 59 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

I don’t know what she says after that because of the thundering blood in my ears. It takes me a few minutes to understand what happened.

Charlotte isn’t barren.

And we had unprotected sex.

I am not allowed to finish my train of thoughts because the door bangs open and Fergus and Zayn march in.

“We have news!” Fergus declares. He stops short on seeing the look on my face. “What’s wrong with you?”

“I had unprotected sex,” I hear myself muttering. Zayn raises a brow.

“Oops?” I glare at him.

“Charlotte thought she was barren. Must’ve been that dick bastard that she was going to marry. And we’ve had a lot of sex, but no protection. What if she’s pregnant right now?”

I don’t know why I am panicking.

“If it’s any consolation, at least the child wouldn’t be born out of wedlock,” Zayn offers.

“That’s not helpful.” I glare at him. Zayn shrugs.

“Yes, well. I tried.” Fergus rolls his eyes at him, and then looks at me.

“We have important info right here. You’re going to want to hear this, so get your shit together. Zayn, go make him some tea. He looks like he’s had a stroke.” Zayn settles down on the couch next to me.

“Man, I’m not making anybody tea. It’s his house. Tell him to make me some tea.”

“You’re such a comfort, Zayn,” I tell him. When he smirks at me, I punch him in the side, making him double over with a groan. Then, I look at Fergus. “You were saying?”

The punch makes me feel a little better and I rub my fist.

Fergus pushes the papers on the coffee table and takes a seat there, showing me a paper, which has a lot of phone numbers on it. One of the numbers is circled a few times in random places.

“So, the guy had a burner, right. We managed to trace the call that led them to the restaurant. That’s where they followed you from.” He holds up his phone to show me a clip of the exterior of his restaurant. It is time-stamped. “The call was made at exactly six forty-four and lasted for two minutes. Now, watch this.”

He plays the clip for me, and I see Erik and his girlfriend walk in at six twenty-five. After roughly fifteen minutes, Madison walks out, and puts her phone to her ear.

My eyes fly to the time stamp.

Six forty-four.

She argues with someone on the phone, gesturing with her hands, and then after two minutes, she closes her phone and walks back in. I stare at Fergus, and then at Zayn.

“It was her? So, Charlotte was right?”

Zayn takes out a cigarette and lights it, inhaling and the letting out a stream of smoke, before saying, “Yeah. We tracked her number down, confirmed it. And we even got her.” My eyes narrow at him.

“What do you mean you got her?” The smile on Zayn’s face is a satisfied one, with hints of anger in it.

“I mean, we called her to your office, under guise of being you. Then cornered her and started throwing out facts. She came clean when we pressed her. But she’s going to be charged with sex trafficking, attempted kidnapping, along with a few defamation suits that will be aimed at both her and Erik. The moron didn’t know about her side plans. All she had told him to do was lead Charlotte on and then ditch her at the altar.”

“That’s probably the only mistake she made,” Fergus interrupts. “She was so desperate to humiliate Charlotte that she screwed up.”

“I’m not following.” I frown. “What’s her grudge against Charlotte?” Zayn looks at me.

“You are.” I blink, unable to connect the dots. Zayn makes an annoyed sound. “Ten years ago, when you drove Charlotte away, you were with a woman that night. You had been seeing this woman on and off, enough that she thought you two were in a relationship. You brushed her off the day after Charlotte left. Remember when Agatha told you that Charlotte was going out of town to stay with an aunt and you became this kind of cold woman-hating asshole for the next few months because you were pining after her?”

“Thanks for the in-depth detail,” I say wryly. “I really needed a walk down memory lane. That woman was Madison?” Zayn gives a low whistle.