Page 34 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

Three months without baking is too cruel to ask of me.

“That’s the deal,” I tell my friend, who looks thoughtful.

The conversation between Philip and I has remained between us. I asked him to keep the events of back then between us, too. Talking about it once drained me in a way that still leaves me hollow.

“I’m glad,” Agatha murmurs. Hearing the noise from the other room makes her roll her eyes. “Makes sense that Philip won’t leave you alone.”

It doesn’t surprise me. After coercing the three-month agreement from me, he seemed visibly shaken by my confession about the events of ten years ago. He doesn’t want me out of his sight for too long.

I don’t know what to make of his protectiveness. A part of me feels cherished, while another part of me is curled up in a ball, wary and too scared to trust him.

At the time, giving in to his offer had seems like the only solution, but after four days of living with him, I feel myself actually thawing.

“So, I see you’re sharing a bed,” Agatha throws in slyly, making me blush.

“He didn’t give me much of a choice,” I say defensively. “A doctor came to check me out this morning and removed the bandages. He said I can’t sleep on my front, but that’s how I always sleep.” My face flames red. “Philip just makes sure that I don’t turn over in my sleep.” Agatha pops a piece of cookie in her mouth.

“Sure. That’s it.”

“I’m not making it up!”

She shrugs, looking gleeful, “I never said you are.”

The sound of footsteps makes us look up as Ian walks in, a phone to his ear. His red hair is tied at his nape in a tiny ponytail, and his sharp green eyes look annoyed. He sits down at the counter, next to Agatha, listening intently to whoever is on the other line.

“So, fire the man. What are you calling me for?” Agatha breaks her cookie in half and pops it in his mouth and he starts chewing. “It’s one fucking contract. Get rid of him and bring in someone more competent.”

I put a plate of fresh, bite-sized chicken patties in front of Agatha, who is watching Ian intently. When Ian glances at the patties and then at Agatha, she feeds him one.

Well, isn’t this interesting?

The phone call is cut short when Ian abruptly closes the phone on the other man.

“Fucking incompetent morons,” he snarls. Agatha gives him a cheery smile.

“Glad to see you’re having such a good day.”

His scowl fades and the slow smile that forms on his lips is so charming that it could have knocked off any woman’s socks.

“It will get better if you give me a kiss.”

Agatha laughs and leans up to press her mouth to his cheek.

“There. Now stop yelling in front of Charlotte.”

His attention turns to me and it is like a blast of power, becoming the sole focus of his gaze.

“These patties are a work of art, Charlotte.” I am pleased at the compliment.

“I’m glad you like them.”

He grins at me.

“Could you pack me some extra? Jake and Ryan are staying over tonight. I would prefer they eat something handmade rather than the junk they order online.” Agatha snickers.

“Ian’s twin brothers live on fast food. He has zero tolerance for that.”

An arm loops around my waist and I stiffen before recognizing Philip’s unique scent.