Page 30 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

“Well, well. If it isn’t Charlotte. Still causing trouble, I see.”

“Hello, John.” I hate that my voice sounds weak even to my ears.

“You two know each other?” Philip glances between us, his brow knitted. I swallow.

“John’s an old acquaintance.”

“You could say that, sugar. Last time I saw you, you were in a hospital bed with tubes stuck to every inch of you. I always wondered where you disappeared to.” From the corner of my eyes, I see Philip jolt at his description. John steps forward, and I stiffen. “So, you landed on your feet.” His menacing tone doesn’t escape me, or Philip, who steps in front of me, his arms crossed over his chest.

“This isn’t a reunion, Detective. Although I do have questions about how you know my wife.”

“Your wife?” The disbelief in John’s voice doesn’t strike me. However, the next part of his statement does, “Your wife was involved in a murder investigation ten years ago, Mr. McCoy.”

And just like that, I feel my fate being sealed.



Murder investigation? Charlotte?

I force my questions to wait.

“And your point is…?” I ask coldly. “You think you can come into my home and then try to intimidate my wife?” The newly-made detective looks startled at my tone, and his partner looks horrified.

“I’m sure the detective is mistaken. He wasn’t trying to—”

“Shut up, Clarence,” John growls at him, and then he snaps his gaze to me. “Your wife’s stepfather went missing ten years ago. She didn’t report him, and then when someone did, she evaded our questions.”

I hear the small outraged cry from behind me, and I step aside to let Charlotte have her say. It seems my wife is quite the spitfire when provokes.

“I was in a goddamn hospital bed! I couldn’t evade you even with a spoon!”

Her face is scrunched in anger, and the man she is raising her voice at, gives her a vicious look.

“You escaped from the hospital and then disappeared.”

Charlotte glances at me and then shuts her mouth. I see that she was trying to figure out a way to say something that will still keep her past in the dark. She doesn’t have a chance in hell of doing that.

She told me that I wasn’t her reason for leaving ten years ago. So, this other story that is coming out is forced her to go into hiding. I am going to find out what happened, one way or another.

I step next to her and look at the detective, who is starting to show his anger.

“If you have questions for my wife, I’ll have my lawyer arrange for it. Meanwhile, you have another job to do here.” John grits his teeth.

“I need to take her in for questioning. Her case is still open.”

When Charlotte stiffens, I put my hand on her shoulder.

“Sure. Get a warrant for that. But then you can also explain to the Chief of Police why you took in his godson’s wife in for questioning over a matter that is ten years old.”

The man bristles.

His partner, an older man that I recognize, apparently sensing that situation is getting out of control, takes over.

“Mrs. McCoy, why don’t you begin by telling us what happened in your bakery?”

“Detective Clarence, if you can’t keep your partner under control, I’ll just ask your lieutenant to handle this investigation. I was under the impression that your department housed competent individuals.”