Page 259 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

I take Eve and Mila with me to collect their things.

As I park the car in the open parking lot, I note a car parked nearby. It’s exterior black and sleek, not unlike mine. It looks oddly familiar. Despite the neighborhood being a safe one, it is hard to imagine someone in this area owning such an expensive car.

Distracted by Mila, who suddenly decides she wants to be carried, the thought of the car slips to the back of my mind.

I follow Eve upstairs while Mila babbles in my ear. Half listening, I keep nodding in earnest, part of me excited about finally getting Eve inside my home for a temporary time period.

I have one foot in the door.

Wouldn’t be too hard to push it open all the way.

When Eve stops abruptly at the top of the stairs, I frown.

Why is she stopping?

I am about to say something when she makes an odd sound, one I’d never heard from her before.

The name she gasps out makes my blood chill.


I don’t hesitate, covering the remaining steps in a

matter of a second and moving in front of Eve.

“What are you doing here?” My words are a snarl.

He may be my father. He may have saved my life. But the darkness that surrounds Elijah is not one I want tainting my small family.

Looking impeccable as ever in a dark blue suit, Elijah’s calm gaze settles on me. “Hello, Zayn. I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”

The gleam in his eyes says otherwise.

“Wait, you two know each other?” Eve asks, bewilderment in her tone.

I shoot a look over my shoulder at her. “How do you know him?”

She blinks. “He’s—He’s an old friend of sorts. And he’s the silent partner in the studio.”

She is leaving something out. I can read it in her eyes.

I turn my attention back to my father, who looks amused by my behavior.

“I’ve known Eve for five years, Zayn. I’m hardly going to harm her.”

I feel the tension rolling off of Eve. “How do you two know each other?”

I glare at Elijah, who is silently laughing at me. “He’s my father.”

Eve falls silent, stunned. “I didn’t—Well, shit. Elijah, did you...?”

“I knew about your relationship, yes,” the older man says smoothly, a smile playing on his lips.

“And, about Mila?” Her words are careful, and I sense she is trying to step around an entirely different issue.

My father’s eyes hardened, dangerous vibes rolling off of him whilst he maintains that pleasant expression. “I knew.”

Eve takes a shuddering breath behind me, and I want to know what is going on. How does Elijah know Eve? How did they meet? What are they not telling me?