Page 225 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

I inhale slowly, surprised at the hint of pleasure that despite her dislike of me, she holds such faith in my integrity. Keeping my voice smooth and low, I ask, “You haven’t answered my question. What is it about me that you despise so much?”

She answers automatically. “You made a move on me the first time you came to see Mila. You saw me as someone who would just open her legs for you, someone convenient. It pisses me off that you couldn’t even respect me as your child’s mother.”

Her face freezes as if the words are torn from her, and I still.

Someone convenient?

I see the slight panic on her face and know that she didn’t intend to tell me this.

Reigning in my anger is a more difficult task than I predicted.

“You are far from convenient, Eve. And I apologized for that.”

She shakes her head, her jaw clenching as she comes to terms with that fact that this issue now has to be addressed. “Not for the kiss. You apologized for the moment. Nothing else.”

I tilt my head, curious. “Is that what you want? An apology?”

She glares at me, and I note that her hands are n

ow on the table, flexing in frustration. “No! Of course not.”

“Then what do you want?” I ask calmly.

Agitation clings to her skin, and I know there is another reason behind why she is resisting me, and she is trying her best to avoid it.

Gone is the self-assurance that she wears so well. I am getting a glimpse of her true self, and I ache for it. I want to see this side of her that she never reveals to anyone else.

It is almost a pity when she manages to get herself under control.

“I don’t want a relationship with anybody,” she says, and although there is a desperate wildness in her eyes, a flicker of fear, her face is smooth, unsmiling.

I sigh, straightening up. “I kissed you because you’re the one person who still manages to overwhelm me. And because you look so damn kissable. You’re the one person I would never play games with, and it goes beyond you being my child’s mother.” A small pause before I continue, my voice colors with conviction. “I’ve always respected you and admired you. And after seeing you now, my admiration has only risen.”

The doubt in her eyes tells me that she has a hard time believing me.

Such accusation brewing in those beautiful eyes.

Insult and anger, a warring combination. Her chin is tilted, an unconscious challenge, her brown eyes boring into mine.

I love that regal look. It reminds me of a warrior.

Eve. My little warrior.

However, I can tolerate a lot, but not this belief that she clings on to that I find her convenient and that is the only reason I kissed her.

The idea enrages me.

I meet her startled eyes with my blazing ones. “Why shouldn’t I want you in my life? I walked away from you once, and it’s something I’ll always regret. I can’t walk away again. I can’t settle for another woman. They’ll never match up to you, Eve. None of them ever did. So it’s you or no one else.”

The stunned realization in her eyes pleases me, and our conversation is halted when Mila arrives, demanding food.

I stare down at the baby as she sleeps in my arms.


Such a mouthful of a name.

Trust Philip to choose such an overambitious name.