Page 184 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

“Oh.” Fergus lowers the container onto the table. “I brought her some soup. I thought it would be easier on her stomach.”

“What do you mean?” I ask, puzzled. “She seemed fine this morning.”

Fergus shuts the door of the office. “She told me she’s been throwing up a lot. Can’t seem to keep anything down. I thought you knew.”

I give him a hard look. “I’m telling you, she’s fine. I haven’t seen her throw anything up. I would know. She tries her best to gross me out if she can.”

Fergus winces. “You two have a weird relationship.”

Henry looks between the two of us. “Sounds like Maddie when she was expecting the twins. She had a lot of morning sickness.”

I scoff. “Agatha’s not pregnant.” When I am met with silence, my smirk fades, and my words are a bit uncertain. “She’s not. She can’t be.”

My childhood friend glares at me. “Do you know what protection is?”

“She’s on the pill,” I growl.

“They don’t always work,” Henry interjects.

“My Agatha is not pregnant. She would know.” I feel a hint of panic thread into my voice.

“Not necessarily,” Fergus gives me a serious look. “She’s been under so much stress lately. She might just have thought it was a stomach bug.”

“It might be a stomach bug,” I insist.

“What’s wrong with you?” Fergus scowls. “You seem very set against the idea of Agatha being pregnant. I get you two just started this relationship, but you’re being a little—”

“Somebody is targeting her. I’m already terrified out of my mind because the woman I love refuses to keep herself safe. Now, you’re telling me that she might be carrying my child while she’s out there alone! How can I possibly be thrilled right now!”

Fergus shuts up. “Sorry. Sorry. You’re right.”

I bury my hands in my hair. “I tried calling her, but she’s not picking up. She has a meeting right now.”

I feel Fergus’s hand on my shoulder. “She’ll be fine. Philip was with me. He just checked in with Jacob. She’s fine. What is all this?”

“Henry thinks that Jenna might be the stalker,” I say, my voice tense.

My brain is in overdrive. Nothing is making sense.

I can’t think about Agatha out there with some crazy psychopath following her around while she is pregnant, assuming she is.

“She’s still in the building,” I mutter. When Henry and Fergus look at me, I gesture towards the door. “Jenna. I saw her when I was coming in here. She told me about Nick and she saw the ring that—”

“What ring?” Fergus asks.

“I was going to ask Agatha to marry me.” My tone is flat, my body cold with creeping terror.

“Ian.” Fergus’s voice holds a trace a of happiness and quite a lot of sympathy over my plight. “She’s going to be fine.”

“I don’t see her outside,” Henry says, abruptly.

I stand up and walk to the door. Opening it, I see the same guy standing nearby. “Hey, have you seen Jenna?”

He shakes his head. “No, man. She left immediately after you got here. Seemed to be in a hurry.”

My blood chills and I turn to look at my companions. “She’s gone.”