Page 166 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

“Why?” he demands. “Why can’t you let me age like a normal person?”

“Hello to you, too, Philip.” I am feeling much better, dangling my legs from the bed where I am sitting.

“The doctor said you’ll be fine. But you can’t sleep for the next twelve hours,” Fergus’s rich Irish accent reaches my ears.

“Why is no one talking about how someone tried to run Ian over with a car?” I ask, annoyed. “He could have died.”

“Because I wasn’t the one who just crashed her car.” Ian enters the room and comes to stand next to me. “How’s the head?”

I point towards my forehead. “I have thread in it. I feel disfigured.”

“You’ll always be beautiful to me,” he murmurs and I can’t help but grin when Philip gags.

“Get a room,” he tells us, and I raise a brow.

“We’re in one. Why don’t you show your ass out?” I bare my teeth at him in a smile.

Zayn scowls where he is leaning against the wall. “I think we have more pressing matters than Ian slobbering over your sister, Philip.”

“There’ll be no slobbering.” My brother narrows his eyes at us.

“I can’t make any promises,” Ian replies, but I feel his hand grip mine.

I know they are trying to lighten the mood, but Zayn is right. It’s time to discuss this attempt on Ian’s life.

“I haven’t told Charlotte anything yet,” Philip sighs. “Her pregnancy isn’t going so well. She shouldn’t be taking any stress.”

“Yes, well. She knows something’s up. She texted me yesterday morning; wants to meet up.” I shake my head. “I don’t want to be around her. It might put her in danger.”

There is an agreement in the silence. Both Charlotte and Sarah had been through rough experiences of their own, and we don’t know who is targeting me. Dragging them into this isn’t the best idea.

“I called Henry and told him. He’s on his way here to meet you.”

I nod, and we all look over when Zayn speaks up.

“Trying to get rid of Ian was a bold move. So far, this person hasn’t graduated beyond gifts. I saw the picture. I doubt you’ll be getting any prints off of it beyond your own or Ian’s.” He straightens, his piercing eyes aiming at me. “This guy knows your patterns. He knows where you live, who you live with. And he’s getting rid of the competition. He must also be aware that you’re getting rid of all the ‘gifts’ he’s sending. It won’t be too long before he turns his anger on you for not responding the way he wants you to.”

I pale and entwine my fingers with Ian’s. “What do you expect me to do? It’s not like I’m going out of my way to paint myself as a target. I just go to work and back home. For all my meetings outside, Jacob sticks to my side like glue.”

A sharp knock on the door has me looking around. A tall, handsome man with dark hair and alert green eyes stands at the door in a pressed and polished navy-blue suit.

“Henry,” I smile in greeting.

However, he doesn’t look too happy. “Well, at least you’re still in one piece.”

“How sweet,” I say drolly.

Henry Chapman strides into the room, a powerful presence just like that of his father’s. He studies my face before demanding, “Are you ever not in trouble?”

I narrow my eyes at him. “If someone’s going to lecture me, let it be your dad. You’re a year younger than me. I can still take you.”

My friend and the current police commissioner scoffs at me. “In your dreams, Agatha.”

I spot the file in his hand as he greets the rest of the people in the room. “What’s that?”

Henry hands the file to Ian, his face grim. “That’s all I have on your stalker.”

Ian moves through the scant few papers and frowns. “This tells us nothing.”