Page 160 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

Agatha’s lips curve in a smile. “So, we’re both a little insane.” Her arms go around my neck, and her fingers interlock behind my head as she smiles at me. “So, we should give this a try?”

“Well, it depends on what you mean by—” When she gives me a bland look, I grin. “You mean us. Doesn’t sound like a bad idea to me.”

She glances at her desk. “I still have a few contracts to go through. Why don’t you pick up a nice bottle of wine and we can order some pizza and have our first date?”

I am about to agree before I cock my head at her. “You know, asking you out is my role, right? It’s got something to do with me being a man.”

She reaches up to peck me on the lips. “Well then, you’ll have a chance to prove you’re a man, tonight.”

I blink at her words before throwing my head back and roaring with laughter. Still chortling, I kiss her and leave to set up for the date.

Jacob waggles his brows at me and the few remaining people left in the office can’t quite hide their grins as I leave, whistling.

I pick up a nice bottle of red wine. On my way out of the shop, I spot a packet of scented candles, and I can’t resist picking up a few. I know Jacob is going to drop her home, so I am not concerned.

As I leave the shop while getting into my car, I see a familiar face.

Nick stands across the road, watching me, wearing a jacket. It’s snowing so I can’t be sure.

I lift my hand in greeting, but he just watches me and then turns around and starts walking down the street in the opposite direction.

Puzzled by his odd behavior, I remember that Jenna is down with a bad cold. Has he been picking up cold medicine for her?

But there is no pharmacy anywhere on this street.


However, all thoughts of Nick and his strange behavior leave my mind as I get to Agatha’s apartment. She added our friends and me into the biometric system, so accessing her door isn’t a problem.

I see a smudge on the carpet at the entrance outside, and I make a mental reminder to myself to get that cleaned before Agatha notices it and pu

ts me to the job. And once Agatha starts cleaning, that woman doesn't know where to stop.

I am just putting the wine to chill in some ice when I hear the door unlock. I hear Agatha’s voice as she says something to Jacob before entering. She looks tired, but she can’t hide the small spark of happiness in her eyes. Walking into the room, she glances at the candles that I set up and had yet not lit.

Amused, she says, “You do realize that you’ve got a plethora of different scents.”

I wink. “I thought scented candles were all the same.”

She snorts. “Yeah, okay.”

She picks one up and lets out a happy sound. “Lavender. I love lavender.” Then she looks at me, and there is a hint of wariness and shyness. “So, we’re actually going to do this?”

I step closer to her and run my hands up and down the bulky coat she is wearing. I notice that it’s the same ugly one that I saw in her office the other day. Making a mental note to burn it to ashes, I rub my hands up and down her forearms, murmuring, “It’s just a date, Agatha. We can watch a movie, eat, and maybe if I’m lucky, I can get to first base.”

When I grin, her shoulders relax. “If you would be that lucky.” Stepping back, she shrugs off the coat, and I take it from her hands, offering, “Let me throw this off the balcony for you.”

She laughs, but there is that hesitance in her eyes. “Uh, not yet. Just hang it up.” I don’t push, but I watch as she makes her way to the bathroom. “I just need to take a shower. I won’t be long.”

When the door closes behind her words, I stare at the coat, muttering loudly, “You are one ugly-ass coat.” Hanging it out of sight, I get back to lighting the candles. I just set up the movie when the buzzer tells me that the pizza delivery guy had arrived.

Paying him for the food, I take out the plates and hear the snick of the bathroom door.

She didn’t even bother to dry herself off, just holding the towel closed around her form.

Agatha gives me a sheepish look. “Forgot the clothes.”

However, she doesn’t move to get them, instead just staring at me.