There is nothing on the box, no inscription or anything, and that makes me wary.
First the flowers, and now gifts?
I narrow my eyes. If this is Zayn’s way of messing with me, I am going to kill him.
Taking out my phone, I call him up.
He picks up on the third ring, his voice a low growl. “It’s like six in the fucking morning, Agatha. You had better be dying.”
“It’s eleven in the morning. What time zone are you living in?”
I hear movement on the other end and then a groan. “Fuck.”
“Morning to you too, Sunshine.” I roll my eyes.
“What. Do. You. Want?” Zayn enunciates each word, annoyance in his voice.
I stare at the box in my hand. “Did you send me candy in a box?”
Silence on the other end, then, “What?”
The disbelief in his voice makes me wince. “Never mind.”
His words are a snarl, and I know I am going to end up paying for this at some point when I return. “You called me up to ask me if I sent you candy?” I sigh.
“You’re right. It is my mistake. I thought it was from you and you were just messing with me.”
I hear more movement from his end and the sound of the bed creaking as if he just sat up.
“What’s going on?” He sounds serious now.
I remember the flowers in my room and purse my lips. “Nothing. Nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
“Agatha.” There is a warning note in his voice, and I force cheer into mine.
“It’s nothing. Sorry for waking you up. I’ll see you when I get back.”
Not giving him a chance to say anything, I cut the call.
I stare at the box, my coffee forgotten and growing cold. I suddenly recall the handcuffs and I shake my head.
This is taking things too far.
But as I leave for the airport, I feel a little tingling between my shoulder blades and I shift, uneasy.
Once back in Chicago, falling into the routine of things takes my mind off of Ian. Most of it is due to the fact that George’s account is the biggest one I have and I force myself to work until I am dead on my feet.
I don’t let myself think about Ian.
I don’t let myself feel hurt that I have been back for a week and he has not bothered to see me or call me. I can feel that Jenna is starting to give me concerned looks. I don’t know her boyfriend that well, but when I had come across his resume on my desk for a paid internship, I hired him to work alongside Jenna.
They make a great team, and although work is moving along fast, I keep piling more on myself just to tire myself out.
“Aren’t you going home today?” Jenna has her bag on her shoulder and is staring at me. I shrug.
“I’ve got this pile of documents left. I want to sort through them. George is coming in a few days. I want everything ready for him.”
Jenna waggles her brows. “So, what’s his deal? He’s been calling you a lot these days.”