Page 130 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

I feel a hint of remorse for how agitated he is, but I can’t blame him. Two weeks here and I’ve already fired half the company.

I put down the contract. “What do you do here?”

His brown eyes widen comically. “Ah. I work here, sir.”

I tuck my tongue into my cheek. “I know you do, but what’s your position?”

His fingers twist around the strap of the satchel that hangs across his lean frame. “Ah, data- entry, mostly, sir.”

I stride over to the pile of employee files that I had my extremely incompetent assistant file alphabetically just this morning. Pulling out his file, I skim through it. I whistle.

“You’ve worked at Damara Industries for two years?” Hastings nods his head: quick obedient nods. “Then why are you here as a data entry assistant?” I ask, puzzled. “You could easily have been promoted there. You have a glowing recommendation.”

The man shakes his head. “They were asking me to go against my ethics. I chose to leave. And when I applied here, I thought I could climb up the ladder with time.”

I stare at his resume, his qualifications sparking my interest.

Snapping the file shut, mind made up, I give him a considering look. “I may be in the market for an assistant tomorrow. Are you interested in the position?”

For a few seconds, I think his eyes might fall out of his head, but he surprises me by regaining control and nodding. His voice is nearly a high-pitched squeak when he replies, “Yes, I am!”

I grin. “Good. You start tomorrow then. Fetch me the files before you leave, though, and put them on the desk outside.”

As he turns around and runs to the elevator, I feel pleased and am about to return to looking through the contract that I had just put aside when a glance at the wall clock tells me that I have already been at the office for over twelve hours.

Sighing, I pick up my phone, feeling my stomach rumble.

Maybe I can grab Agatha and we can head out to dinner.

Dialing the number of my best friend’s younger sister, I can’t help but smile.

Agatha had grown up with me, her brother, Philip, and our friends, Fergus and Zayn. While Fergus treats her as a beloved younger sister, Philip regards her as more of an annoying younger sibling that he loves but finds vaguely suffocating at times. Zayn and Agatha have more of a sibling rivalry thing going on, where they are either snarling at each other or conspiring together.

And that leaves me.

A frown slides onto my face as I consider my relationship with Agatha.

I have never been able to see her as a younger sister. Maybe a very close friend?

It is at that moment that she chooses to answer the phone.


Hearing her warm voice after a shitty day of being surrounded by idiots, I can?

?t help but grin. “Hey. Want to grab some dinner?”

She hesitates. “Sorry. I’ve got dinner plans with somebody, already.”

I sigh and pick up my helmet. “Is there nothing I can say to convince you to have Thai food with me, instead?”

I hear her laughter. “Sure. Promise to rip my clothes off after, and I’m all yours.”

My heart skips a beat as an image flashes through my head. Keeping my voice light, I say, “It’s a school night, sorry.”

She chuckles, “Well, my date promises otherwise, Sawyer. Later!”

She ends the call, and I am left staring at the screen with a churning in my gut.