Page 124 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

Stupid, stupid woman!

As Zayn takes the wheel, I can’t help but admire her reckless bravery as well.

Zayn drives like a madman and while it should have taken us forty minutes to get there, we arrive in under twenty. I tried not to count the red lights we ran.

My heart is flipping in my chest, fear so tangent that I can almost taste it.

Please let Sarah be alright.

Seeing the red car in the middle of the empty courtyard, we park in a dark corner and head towards the slaughterhouse.

I know this place like the back of my hand. When we were young, on our vacation from the boarding school, we would spend hours exploring this place.

Using the back entrance, guns loaded, we stealthily walk along the wall until I hear Sarah’s voice. “You’re crazy, Seth.”

Her voice holds undertones of anger and fear.

Inching towards the room, I finally see her standing in front of a young man, protectively. I can’t make out his face, but I know that it is her brother.

A discarded coffee cup lays near Seth’s feet, and my eyes rake over his form with disgust. I can see the glitter of excitement and lust in his eyes, and I want nothing more than to shoot his eyes out for looking at my woman like that.

“I’m offering you a fair trade, Sarah. Take it, and Bryan walks free.”

Sarah hisses at him, naked fury in her voice. “I’m not some whore who’ll spread her legs for you. I love Fergus.”

My heart stops beating for a second on hearing her words.

She loves me?

Seth smiles at her, a dangerously cool look. “Then you can watch me rip your brother to pieces. I’ve mastered the art of skinning.”

Sarah trembles and steps back, completely hiding her brother from view. “No.”

“No?” he echoes, taking one step forward. “I don’t think you understand the position you’re in, Sarah. Killing your lover off isn’t something I’m going to lose any sleep over.”

“You leave Fergus out of this!” she snarls at him, and I feel a hint of pride and bone-chilling fear at how she stands her ground.

Zayn puts a firm hand on my shoulder, gesturing that he and Ian would surround the room.

I nod and wait, knowing that I can only act once they are in position to block Seth’s escape route.

“I spent years building this empire, Sarah, and you were always the end goal. I would have liked it if you remained in ignorant bliss of my career. But now that you know, that’s even better.”

“You’re sick, and you’re crazy, and I would rather stab myself in the eye with a fork than sleep with you.”

Seth’s smile drops. “That can also be arranged. Although, breaking you in sounds like more of a fun experience. Of course, if you refuse, your brother and your little boyfriend will have to be killed. I don’t want either one of them blabbing or protesting.”

Seeing the gleam of Zayn’s watch in the corner, a few feet behind Seth, I walk into the light. “Am I late?”

Seth sees me, but it worries me that he is not the least bit perturbed. “Look at that, Sarah. Your lover brought himself to his execution.”

Sarah pales on seeing me, and her brother stares at me, recognizing me on sight. “You?”

“Hello, Bryan. Fancy meeting you here.”

Bryan gapes at me, and I turn my attention to Sarah. “You okay?”

Her lower lip trembles and I can see her trying to remain brave. Her voice cracks, “Just peachy.”