Page 122 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

They scare me shitless, and I am trying to muster every bit of strength I have not to run screaming from this horrorfest.

As I climb up the stairs, I wince at every creak, and at one point, I take off my shoes, hiding them in a corner. My reindeer-socked feet make no sound as I walk over the long balcony-type thing that overlooks the entire slaughterhouse.

There is no one inside.

Maybe they are in the other building?

I am just leaning down to grab my shoes when I hear footsteps on the ground floor, and I immediately duck.

I can’t make out the person walking, but I see them round a corner.

Eyes narrowed, I wait for them to leave before sprinting down, shoes in hand. Ignoring the dried blood on the ground, I stay behind the coverage the machines give me and dart around the corner, only to see another part of the building, an empty space with two chairs in the center, and an overhead light that flickers.

It is the man tied to one of the chairs who steals my breath.

The familiar tuft of brown hair, those weary green eyes that are darker than mine. His face is streaked with grime and sweat, and days’ old blood.

Tears fill my eyes, and I step into the light. “Bryan.”

Bryan’s eyes widen in horror at seeing me. “Sarah! Oh, shit! You need to get out of here!”

My hands are going to the ropes that bind him so tightly. “What are you talking about? I’m here to get you out!”

“Are you fucking insane?” Bryan hisses at me, his eyes terrified. “Leave me here and get out. Before he comes back!”

I pull at the knots, managing to tug one of them loose, my frustration growing. “Before who comes back? Help me with this, you idiot, so we can leave!”

A familiar voice sounds behind me. “He means, me.”

Jumping, I turn around, wrench raised, when my mouth falls open.

Seth stands there, leaning against the wall, a takeaway coffee container in his hand, looking amused. He isn’t wearing his spectacles, and he has on a sharp black dress shirt with a pair of jeans. His dark brown hair is slicked back, and there is a cruel edge to him that I have never seen before.

“Hello, Sarah.”



I stare at the clock and then at the door.

An hour passed, and there is still no sign of Sarah.

I look over to see Zayn and Agatha involved in a deep discussion about the game, with Ian working on his tablet, one hand playing with Agatha’s golden tendrils.

“Shouldn’t she be back by now?” I voice loudly, and Agatha looks up at me and then glances at the clock with a frown.

“You’re right. Maybe she went to a visit a friend?”

I shake my head. “Not with you guys here. She would consider that rude. I thought she just wanted to clear her head.”

“Not even this Seth guy? They seem pretty close. Aren’t they childhood friends or something?” Zayn comments.

I growl. “That guy wants her. She’s too busy brother-zoning him to realize.”

Agatha slaps Ian’s hand away and looks my way. “She’s never mentioned him to me, and we hang out a lot. What does he do? Is he richer than you?”

I stare at her. “I don’t think money is the problem here, Agatha. The guy runs the local community center, anyways. So, I doubt he’s rolling in dough.”