Page 107 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

Agatha sinks into the couch. “I hate that place. It’s too big and quiet.”

“Isn’t your grandmother there?”

Agatha leans over to pick up her phone and shoots me a dirty look. “You know damn well why I’m not staying there. I’m calling Ian.”

My face darkens.

I am starting to get the feeling that it is more than just flirty banter between my friend and Agatha. “Why Ian? Go to Zayn’s place; it’s bigger.”

Agatha studies me, a knowing look on her face before she gave me a sickly sweet smile. “Bite me.”

Sensing the tension in the room, Sarah speaks up, “If you’re kicking Agatha out because of me, please don’t–”

I shake my head, cutting her off. “Don’t worry about it.” To Agatha, I say, “You, go wash that thing off your face. You look like a female Hulk.”

Agatha makes a face at my comment and sniffs derisively as she gets up. “As if you even know who the Hulk is.”

She pads out of the room, the cat following her, its tail in the air.

Sarah gives me an uncomfortable look. “I feel bad now. I can go to Seth’s place. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind letting me stay there for–”

Imagining her wandering around another man’s apartment in a thin night robe, my blood boils, and I let out a snarl.


Sarah narrows her eyes at me in a way that tells me that I am seconds away from getting into trouble. “Excuse me?”

I struggle to control myself. “You’re safer here.”

She still seems annoyed, so I put my arms around her and plant a kiss on her soft cheek. “What do you think of my apartment?”

Sarah looks around, and I wait with bated breath.

With a heavy sigh, she says, “I mean, it could be better, but it’ll do for now.”

I snort. “I’m serious.”

She gives me a smile. “I’ve only seen part of it, but it’s lovely. Did you decorate it?”

I feel the warm flush of pleasure at her approval. “Yes, I did. Wait till you see our bedroom.”

Her teeth sink into her lower lip. “Our bedroom? I’ll sleep in your room?”

I lean down and capture her lips before pulling back with a smirk. “Do you think I’m going to let you leave my bed?”

“I can already tell you’re going to be a very clingy boyfriend,” she deadpans, earning her a swat on her ass.

“Guys, keep the foreplay to a minimum till I leave. I don’t want to have to blind myself.” Agatha walks out, still in her pajamas, cat tucked under her arm, and face freshly washed. “Ian’s on his way here.”

“You know I could always get the locks on Philip’s apartment changed for you.”

Agatha gives me a dry look. “It’s like you’re not even trying to be subtle. I’m staying with Ian, and that’s that. Now take your nose out of my business before I hurt you.”

When I make a small noise of dissent, Sarah leans into me, whispering, “I thought you liked Ian.”

I tuck my hands in the pockets of my pants and grumble. “It’s complicated.”

I feel her form lean more heavily into mine and I realize that she had a few exhausting days. “Come on. I’m going to put some food in you and then it’s off to bed with you.”