A snide look comes to her face. “The pudgy one that always looks like he’s trying to please you. He used to follow us around when your first club launched, don’t you remember? He took a picture of me, and you broke his nose an
d threw him out.”
“Frank Donavon?” I ask, slowly.
Sheila shrugs her delicate shoulders. “I don’t know his name, but he has a knack for getting into the most impossible of places.”
Just then, my phone rings and I glance down to see Eve’s name on the caller ID.
My blood is pumping wildly as I stop in front of the gates to my house, recognizing Elijah’s car in the distance. There is another car parked haphazardly outside, the door still open.
Nobody opened the gates.
Fear an avid motivator, I jump out of the car and insert my key into the side door of the gate, leaving it open for Elijah.
My gun in my hand, I run down the driveway, hating myself for building such an elaborate house.
A shot in from inside has me pushing myself.
Oh dear God, not Eve!
My chest aches with the sense of growing dread and loss.
I can’t lose her!
Adrenaline makes me run faster and I push through the open front door, rushing into the house.
The sound of raised voices and another gunshot followed by a sharp, pain-filled cry, along with a small scream that I recognize, has me running up the stairs two steps at a time.
Mark stands in the doorway of my bedroom, his gun raised and I howled in fury, raising my own weapon. “Get away from them!”
He sees me, and his eyes widen as he takes a step back. “No, I—”
I fire and he hisses as the bullet grazes him.
I aim again, advancing, ready to commit murder, my blood cold.
He took my Eve from me.
He doesn’t deserve to live.
“Zayn, stop!” my father shouts from behind me. “He’s one of mine!’
I freeze.
Mark is panting, but he doesn’t aim his gun at me, his eyes fixed on me.
“What do you mean he’s one of yours?” I ask dully.
“He works for me. He’s one of my most trusted men. Now put down your gun!” Elijah sounds closer, and I lower my gun.
“Eve?” my voice is broken.
Mark swallows, gesturing towards the bedroom with his chin.