My parents were coming to the hospital every day, for several hours.
They met Mila.
However, Zayn was always hovering nearby when they were talking to Mila. I didn’t mind it.
Not yet, at
He has every right to be protective over his daughter.
My father seems wary around Zayn, and Zayn doesn’t seem overly fond of him either. However, he is respectful to both my parents, although his interactions are short and to the point.
Mila is simply delighted to have a set of whole new grandparents and since her friend Molly’ s grandma ‘baked her cookies,’ she wants to know if hers would do so, too. And if she could ride a horse. Or if her grandfather could buy her a horse.
My parents are so helplessly enchanted by their granddaughter that I am half afraid that on their next visit, my father will bring her a horse.
“That’s enough, you brat,” I warn her, and my baby girl just turns around with innocent wide eyes.
“But Mama, Grandpa wants to.”
I give her a smile. “Oh, really? Then, I guess you’ll need to give up your doll collection to make space for a horse.”
That makes her reconsider immediately, because nothing is more important than her dolls.
“Mama has a swear jar!” she announced to her grandparents in revenge.
“Guess we won’t be having Mac ‘N Cheese for next week,” I say morosely, not to be outdone.
Then kisses are offered in apology and offers of letting me play with her dolls are made.
My parents observe me with my small family and the one time my mother catches me alone, she asks hesitantly if Zayn and I plan to get married, almost as if she has no right to ask that question.
“I haven’t thought about it,” I tell her honestly.
“Would you like to marry him?” my mother asks softly, fluffing my pillows behind me to make me comfortable.
I stare at my hands, at where Zayn’s ring would be.
“I… maybe. I love him. But he hasn’t said anything, and I don’t want to—”
Push him? Lose him?
“Whatever he’s willing to offer, I’ll take it. But I won’t ask for more,” I finally say, my tone heavy.
“Why not? You have a child together. He clearly loves you.”
Had anybody else said that, I would have snapped at them. But for the past five years, I have yearned for the safety and guidance of my mother, the vulnerability I could show only her.
So, I sigh, leaning back against the pillows, staring at the ceiling dully. “I know what it’s like to lose everything, Mom. And this happiness, it’s so fragile. I’m scared to ask him for more. What if he doesn’t want marriage? What if I end up losing him?” I turn to look at her, ignoring the pain in her face. “If I lose Zayn, I don’t think I can survive.”
The conversation ends abruptly when a knock on the door has us both looking over to see Zayn standing there.
I freeze, but from the distracted way he looks at us, I wonder if he overheard anything. “Fergus is sending lunch over. Do you want anything in particular?”
I shake my head.
But later that day, his kiss is sweeter, and I feel his eyes on me, thoughtfully, as I slowly move about the room, getting in my exercise.