Page 295 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

I don’t know how many hours have passed.

Philip looked in on me once.

Ian called.

Fergus gave me some company.

But nobody could tell me when Eve would wake up.

I want to go into the other room and kill the man who put her in this position.

It is quite late when the door opens again.

I don’t look up, not caring.

A basket is put in front of me.

“It’s been twenty-four hours and you haven’t eaten,” a familiar voice tells me.

I am out of my seat instantly, grabbing my father by the lapels of his suit, pushing him up against the wall, snarling, “You said he wasn’t a threat! You said you were keeping a fucking eye on him!”

Despair, grief, and fury are an odd cocktail of emotions, and I want to hurt this man before me.

My father doesn’t look perturbed in the least.

He does look tired, though. And angry.

Although the latter he hides well.

When he nudges me off, I find myself letting go, and I slump back in the chair, suddenly drained, knowing that even he, despite all the power he wields, couldn’t know everything.

“You said she was safe.”

Elijah walks up to where Eve lays unconscious, and in an uncharacteristic display of emotion, he smoothed back her hair.

“He slipped past the men I’d set on him. They became too relaxed when he never deviated from his daily routine.”

He turns back to face me, and his eyes are cold as ice. “They’ll be paying for that mistake for a long time.”

When I don’t make a move to touch the basket, he sighs and walks over to take out the contents: sandwiches, something to drink.

“Henrietta made your favorites. She’s distraught.”

I watch him from the corner of my eye as he occupies the chair next to mine. “You don’t seem distraught.”

“I don’t have that luxury.”

When he holds out a sandwich to me, I consider declining but then my stomach grumbles and I snatch it from him.

“Tell me everything you know about Thomas. I’m done with the lies and half-truths. What the hell happened with Eve in the past?”

Elijah steeples his fingers together, quiet for a few moments before saying, “I knew Eve worked for you. And I was aware that she left her job very abruptly.”

I scowl. “Spying on me?”

“Keeping an eye,” my father corrects. “When I ran into Eve at the hospital a few months later, it was by accident. I was visiting someone. It was hard to miss that she was pregnant. At the time, I didn’t know if it was yours or not, but the timeline seemed to match up when she mentioned she was five months pregnant. I couldn’t be sure, however. I could see, though, that the past few months had taken their toll on her. She had lost a tremendous amount of weight, not something that is healthy for expecting mothers.”

My lips thin at that.