Page 288 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

I don’t have to ask who he is talking about. Feeling like a young boy again, I stick my hands in my pockets, slouching in my chair, and mutter, “You’d better.”

It is as I am about to leave when I ask, casually, “Mark Fallon. What do you know about him?”

Elijah stands in the hallway, his hands in his pockets as he studies me, a small smile lurking on his lips. “He owns a remarkable gallery. I have attended a few shows there.”

“Aside from that,” I bite out, knowing I am being toyed with.

My father watches me for a few moments before finally uttering, “He’s safe.”

My lips thin. “That’s not what I asked. Is he one of yours?”

My father raises a brow. “One of my what? You do say the oddest things at times, son.”

“You know what I mean.” I am trying not to snarl at him, but my father could try the patience of saints.

“I really don’t,” Elijah smiles at me like the Sphinx. “Good night now. Drive safe.”

And just like that, I am kicked out, the door closing behind me.



“Your decorator did a good job,” I murmur reluctantly, taking in the new carpet in the hallway of the studio, my eyes not missing new additions.

Agatha stands behind me. “Do you like it? After the police were done with it, the place was a mess.”

I feel awkward as I turn around to face her. “You really didn’t have to do any of this. Elijah was going to take care of it. Not that I don’t appreciate it.” I add the last part hastily.

“Elijah.” Agatha looks almost pained. “You’re friends with him.”

I hesitate at that word.

‘Friends’ isn’t the right word to describe the relationship that Elijah and I have. However, I don’t know Agatha well enough to divulge in a heart-to-heart with her. Now that I think about it, after finding out about Mila, I have somehow managed to toss away all my girlfriends, or the few that I had.

“I know him well enough,” I allow cautiously.

The woman whom Mila worships and who insisted on getting my dance studio fixed up before I walk into the mess the police left for me, seems uneasy at this moment.

“Zayn doesn’t talk about him. Even now. He doesn’t want to discuss him at all.”

“I know,” I say simply.

This time the look she aims my way is accusatory. “But he talks about him with you. And you know Elijah.”

I stare at her. “I don’t discuss Elijah with Zayn. I have a different relationship with him. He helped me out.”

The look of frustration on the blonde’s face makes me feel a little guilty.

I would be frustrated too if one of my closest friends was hiding a secret like this from me.

“Helped you how?”

I raise a brow, scoffing. “Are you trying to get answers out of me because Zayn refuses to tell you anything?”

“Is it working?” Agatha narrows her eyes at me.

I laugh then, unable to do anything but. Then, I sigh, making a decision in a heartbeat.