Page 261 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

If Eve doesn’t intend to tell me, then there are other ways I can find out.

I stalk towards the kitchen.

Elijah stands in front of the fridge, studying one of Mila’s drawings, a strange look on his face. It takes me a minute to decipher that expression.


“You’ve known about my daughter for five years, and yet you never elected to tell me,” I say, coldly.

He doesn’t turn towards me, his back facing towards me, a sign of disrespect from one predator to another. However, we both know that my father rules the cruelest of predators with an iron fist.

“Eve wasn’t ready for you to know.”

I grit my teeth. “That wasn’t your decision to make.”

This time my father turns his gaze towards me, a frosty look in his eyes, cool and deadly. “No. It was hers.”

I try to find the leash that restrains my temper, find it, grab on to it, tightly.

“What happened to her? How did you find out about her?”

Elijah raises a brow. “A happy coincidence, I assure you. She was at—”

“—the hospital, I know,” I cut him off, frustrated. “She said you saved her life.”

Those same dangerous vibes emit from my father before he turns to pick up his cup of unfinished tea. “Eve’s secrets are her own. I ensured her protection. She was yours. I just took care of her till she was ready to approach you.”

“She didn’t approach me,” I bite out. “We ran into each other at—”

“—the hospital,” my father interjects, a small smile playing on his lips. “What a coincidence.”

My eyes narrow at him. “You crafty bastard. You had something to do with that?”

He gives me an offended look that is as fake as the rest of his personality that he shows the world. “I can hardly control fate, son.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if you did,” I mutter under my breath.

He hears my words and his smile broadens.

“If you’re not going to tell me what happened, tell me why you’re here.”

Elijah sits down at the kitchen table, looking completely at home in his fancy suit in this jumbled up room, which is made up of a mixture of different tastes.

“I got news of the incident that took place last night. Naturally, I was concerned,” he began.

I lean forward. “Do you know who it was?”

A troubled expression flashes across his face before he smooth’s it out. “Not yet. But I’m working on it.” He shoots me a sharp look, showing me peek beneath the veil, an image of an enraged predator. “Nobody would be so careless as to bring harm to my family.”

I study him. “But somebody did.”



The principal of the school objects to me trying to pull Mila out.

“Our security measures are high and her classmates are so young, they don’t really have a sense of the news in the tabloids. With so much going on, you need to let her keep some constants in her life.”