Page 24 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

I hadn’t known how much I wanted her to look at me as someone who could support her, as someone she could trust, until I watched the way she forced her tears back and tried to fix whatever she could of the situation.

Today taught me something valuable, I muse as I look down at her pale face and her softly parted lips.

I am completely and irrevocably in love with Charlotte.



My ribs ache.

That is the first blurry thought in my mind as I drag myself out of unconsciousness by sheer force of will.

My limbs feel heavy, as if they are made of steel, and every movement hurts my body in a way that feels so familiar that fear grips me by the throat.

My eyes are still closed as I try to recall what happened, and there is a strange fogginess in my mind that doesn’t seem very natural. I try to crawl my way out of it, but that just brought a headache.

My throat is so parched.

Opening my eyes is a task in itself and after a few seconds of unmitigated effort, I find myself staring at a ceiling that looks oddly familiar. As I become more aware of my surroundings, I realize that the sheets under me are some of the softest I have ever felt.

Sensing movement to my left as the bed shifts, I am blasted into full awareness. I turn my head, and see the last thing I would have ever imagined.

Philip leans against the headboard, a pair of thick rimmed black glasses perched on his nose as he frowns down at some documents he is studying. His faded gray T-shirt is loose around his form, and he looks like a complete nerd, albeit a very hot one.

The blanket that covers me rests casually over his abdomen, hiding his lower body from sight.

When he hisses in annoyance, I snap out of it, reality washing over me.

I am about to push myself into a sitting position, when a wave of dizziness overtakes me, and Philip chooses that moment to pay attention to me.

His eyes widen, and he tosses his papers aside and leans over me. His fingers drift over my forehead and my face, so light that I barely feel them.

“How are you feeling?”

His voice holds a note of anxiousness and I close my eyes, my throat hurting as I whisper, “Water.”

He blinks and then his head moves out of my sight for only a moment before he is back, this time helping me into a reclining position. The water is chilled, and as the cool liquid pours down my throat I feel more awake.

However, my body still hurts, and I wince as I recall each and every event in perfect clarity.

“You have been advised bed rest,” Philip informs me, a smug look on his face, and I wondered what he is so happy about until he gives it away, “Until you are back on your feet, you will remain under my tender loving care.”

“Bed rest?” Even I can hear the disbelief in my voice. “Over a few bruises?” When Philip’s expression grows dark, I realize that I said the wrong thing, and I try immediately to rectify it. “Even if I am ‘advised’ bed rest, why is it in your bed and why are you in it with me?”

The darkness remains in his eyes, but his tone is light when he answers.

“Well, as your husband, I get to play nurse with you. Besides, I didn’t want you to wake up alone.” His last statement thrums through me.

He didn’t want me to wake up alone. I don’t have the strength to argue with him and so I just stare at him.

“How long have I—?”

“For over twenty-four hours. The doctor gave you something to help you sleep longer.” Philip takes my bandaged wrist and checks the wrappings. My body jerks.

“Twenty-four hours?! I need to go check the damage to my—”

His hand circles around my uninjured wrist and I think, for a moment, that he looks angry.