Page 203 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

As he leans down to let Mila on the ground, I realize where I saw him.

He is the man from the pictures!

Eve’s friend.

He looked more normal in the pictures, and his hair was a sandy color.

Mila stares at me, and when our eyes meet, she smiles at me, revealing a set of baby teeth. “You’re Mama’s boy-toy.”

“Mila, be nice.” Eve appears from what I presume is the kitchen. She unties the apron around her neck before tossing it at Ron. “Check on the chili, will you?”

Ron gives her a dirty look before he puts on the apron and leaves to do as he is told.

It irks me for some reason that she is so comfortable with this man.

I turn my gaze back to Eve.

In a pair of shorts and a black tee that reads ‘Unicorns are fake like your ass,’ her hair is tied in a long braid that my fingers itch to unravel. Her toes are painted a bright red, as is her mouth, and my fingers itch to run over her figure, to caress each dip and curve.

“Hi. Nice place.”

She looks around the apartment.

It isn’t small by any means and is done in various hues of blue and silver, and everything matches, a far cry from the man who let me in.

“Thanks,” she says and eyes the flowers I still hold clutched in my hand. “What are those for?”

I offer them to her. “You.”

She narrows her pretty brown eyes at me in quick suspicion. “You got me flowers?”

“It was that or wine,” I shrug my shoulders.

She starts walking towards a vase. “Always go with the wine. With these two driving me crazy all the time, I’m always up for wine.”

I try hard to ignore the child standing near me, staring up at me unabashedly.

“I didn’t know your friend would be here.”

“You mean Ron?” she asks, giving me an innocent look. “Why wouldn’t he be here? We’re roommates. He’s an artist.” She puts the flowers into the vase without putting any water in. “A good one.”

She is living with a man.

I can deal with that.

It is none of my business.

Except that I want to punch his teeth out.

“Mila, stop staring and say hello,” Eve chides.

However, Mila just raises her arm and points at me, her eyes shining with an unholy gleam. “Boy-toy.”

Eve rolls her eyes. “That’s a bad word. Do we need a swear jar for you?”

Mila moves her shoulders in a big gesture. “But I don’t have money.”

Eve gives her a pleasant look. “I’m sure we can sell your Barbie dolls.”