Page 182 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

“You should have something, Jenna,” I say in a frustrated tone. When her eyes brim with tears, I feel like an asshole. “I’m sorry. No. You’ve been going through such a shitty time. Look, when he comes, just stay out of sight, okay? I’ll deal with him.”

She rubs her eyes and sniffles. “Yeah, okay. How’s Agatha doing?”

I give her a wan smile. “She’s fine. Agatha’s a strong person.” I glance towards her empty office. “Look, I need to make a phone call. I’m going to go set up in Agatha’s office.” She nods, and I move towards the empty room.

Her charger is still plugged into the wall socket, and I put my phone on it. Using her office line, I try calling Henry, but the phone is dead.

Opening the door, I ask the person closest to me, “Is there a working phone in here?”

The man blinks. “Yeah, man. All of them.”

“Well, the one in this office isn’t working.”

The guy’s hair is slicked back with what I could only hope is copious amounts of hair gel and he reaches to tug at the bright red bowtie at his neck. “You can try this one.”

Just as he says that, he picks up the receiver and puts it against his ear. A second later, he frowns and puts down the receiver. “Odd. This is also dead.” He doesn’t wait for a response, just asks, loudly, “Is somebody’s desk phone working?”

The sound of receivers being slammed back in their holders and loud echoes of “no” and curses make me feel uneasy.

The guy stares at the phone. “I was just on a call a minute ago.”

The ringing of my phone from the office has me striding inside.

It’s Henry.

He doesn’t give me an opportunity to say anything. “Where are you?”

“At Agatha’s office.”

His voice is strained. “Is she with you?”

“No. What’s going on?” I don’t like his tone.

“We have a problem. I’m in the building. I’ll be with you in two minutes.”

The call is cut, and I see Agatha’s message. My eyes narrow at what she wrote and I try calling her. However, she keeps cutting the call. I glance at the wall clock and see the time. It’s three in the afternoon.

She must be in her meetings.

Opening my laptop, I start running the number.

One of my old classmates wo

rks in the military, and he often let me use his software programs for beta testing, and I decide to try running the number on that. It’s still running when I hear the door opens and Henry walks in.

“Did you get Agatha’s message?” he demands.

“Yeah,” I sit up. “I’m running the number now.”

“Don’t bother,” Henry says, shrugging off his coat. “My people ran the number. The phone belongs to Nick Miller, one of the employees who works here. It’s an additional sim taken out in his name.”

I purse my lips. “So, it is Nick.”

Henry looks surprised. “You suspected him?”

I tell him of my short conversation with Jenna and seeing him a few weeks back.

Henry’s expression didn’t change. “I’ve met the fellow. He seemed more devoted to the assistant than Agatha.”