Page 170 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

I walk over to her and slide my arms around her waist. “We’ll fix this. Whatever is going on, we will get to the bottom of this. I promise. But kicking me out isn’t going to solve anything.”

She looks so miserable at that moment that I feel something clench in my chest.

“I hate this,” she mutters. “I hate feeling so helpless and scared. This isn’t me! This is affecting my work, my social life, my personal life.”

I kiss her on the mouth, a gentle, reassuring touch. “I’m right here with you. Nothing is impossible, Agatha. This guy’s going to slip up at some point. But meanwhile, you have to be careful. I know you have meetings and all that. But now we know he can reach you in public areas as well.”

She pulls away from me, upset. “I can’t just stop living my life, Ian!”

“I’m not saying you should,” I say, hiding my frustration. “Go to the office tomorrow. Follow your routine, but don’t go out. Make sure you’re surrounded by a lot of people. And then, be the first to leave.”

When she exhales, I sigh, putting my hands on her shoulders, and then link my fingers behind her neck. “Tell Jacob to drive you to my office. I know you have work backlogged and you prefer working from your office. But it’s not safe to be alone in your office. You’re vulnerable there. But if you come to me, we can work together on our own stuff. I have late meetings, otherwise I would come to your workplace.”

She purses her lips and then nods. “Fine. That’s reasonable. I can do that.”

“So, it’s a date then?” I smile.

She gives me a reluctant smile and then leans over to peck my lips. “Fine. You win. Besides, I’m starting to get used to living with you again. Storm also likes you.”

In response to that, the tabby cat jumps off the dresser where she was washing herself and rubs herself against my legs before leaving the room.

“Clearly.” I glance at the clothes in the suitcase. “Are you going to help me unpack now?”

Getting Agatha to do something organized around the house is a difficult task. As soon as she starts putting the clothes back, she decides her sock drawer needs to be rearranged, and I have to force her away from that.

“Come on. We had two long days. Let’s do something other than arrange the sock drawer.” When she looks up at me, I suggest, “We could put on a movie and neck on the couch?”

Her lips curve. “That’s not the worst idea you’ve had. Maybe I’ll even let you get to second base.”

Oh, dear God, I love this woman.

Laughing, I choose one of those action movies she is so fond of and let her order a pizza.

“Plain cheese for me!” I yell at her from the couch as she walks into the bedroom, on the phone with the pizza place.

“Yes, as you so clearly heard, my girlfriend would like half cheesy,” I hear her dry remark.

I settle on the couch.

She is going to pay for that comment later.

We are midway through the movie when the pizza finally arrives. I won’t let Agatha get the door. I don’t know why, but it’s probably for the same reason that I shut the blinds although we are on the top floor of the building.

I pay the delivery guy, and I see her watching me with a soft look in her eyes.

“What?” I ask, a little self-conscious.

She purses her lips and shakes her head. “Nothing. I just… I really love you, you know.”

I take out some paper plates and grin. “Considering you rammed into a car for me, I should hope so.” I shake my head. “Sorry. Too soon.”

She gives a delighted laugh and puts her arms around me, dragging me into a kiss.

In between kisses, I tell her, “I’m still mad at you for that.”

However, she is in a mood, and she just makes a sound of agreement, “Mhm,” and returns to kissing my brains out.

I have no choice but to flip her over and let her straddle me on the couch. She is wearing one of those tank tops, her cardigan falling off her shoulders, all that glowing skin making my mouth water.