Page 101 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

She is about to fork some eggs into her mouth when her eyes fall on the wall clock, and she makes a small sound of distress. “I’m late!”

Her fork clatters on the plate as she pushes away from it, regretfully. “I have to leave. I’m sorry!”

I grab a container from behind me and quickly put her food in it and thrust it at her. “Here. You can have it later. But eat something.”

She stares at me and then at the container before commenting, “You’re very domestic.”

She dances out of reach when I make an attempt to grab her, laughing.

She puts the container in her purse and then looks slightly hesitant before reaching up to give me a quick kiss on the lips. “Bye!”

And she is out the door before I can do anything else.

I stare around the empty apartment and sigh heavily. “You’re in a lot of trouble, Fergus.”



I move among the children, fixing caps, straightening jackets, cleaning smears on faces. Fixing them up, I arrange everyone to stand in a group, letting the photographer do his thing.

As soon as the bell rings, everybody breaks formation and races for their bags and rushes outside.

I sigh.

Since I took a day off yesterday, I have to stay back to fill out some paperwork for the office. Locking up the, I sit next to two young teenagers outside the admin’s office and start filling in the forms.

“Are you in trouble, too?” one of the boys asks, grinning.

I look up and blink when I see they are identical twins. “Kind of. Shouldn’t you two be going home?”

One of the boys shrugs his shoulders. “We spray painted Mr. Carson’s car.”

“He told Lily that women look better when they’re not asking so many questions,” his brother pipes up. “In class. While she was asking about the voting rights of women in the eighteen hundreds.”

I put down my form. “Isn’t he teaching the gender studies course at the high school?”

The boys nod.

I pick up my pen and resume filling in the form. “Then I hope you keyed the car too.”

The boys snicker and then ask, “Who are you waiting for?”

I don’t look up. “I teach in the elementary section. I took a day off.”

“You’re a teacher?”

The bafflement in their voice is very flattering, and I grin, pleased.


Hearing a familiar voice, I look up to see a tall figure walking down the hall towards us in high heels.

“Agatha?” I blink at the curled golden hair and the subtle makeup. Her blue eyes hold annoyance in them, which vanishes when she spies me.

“Sarah? What are you doing here?”

I hold up the form. “I teach here. Are these your sons?”