However, she leans back against the couch, studying me, her arms crossed over her chest, “Then I don’t get it.”

“Get what?” I try to calm myself down to get my colour back to normal.

“A hot guy comes on to you, he kisses you, but you’re angry? On the other hand, you’re willing to sleep with Travis, who I know you are not interested in. Why would you choose Travis over this guy?”

I fidget, a little uneasy, “I don’t know.”


I sigh, pulling my knees up to wrap my arms around, “All the boys I’ve ever gone out with have – they felt safe. I liked their kisses, I liked laughing with them. But Steven is so intense. Every time he looks at me, it feels like he can’t wait to sink his teeth into me.”

“How is that a bad thing?” My friend questions, her gaze unwavering from my form.

I glance at her, “It’s not. I’m not saying it is. I just don’t know how to handle it.”

“What’s wrong with enjoying it?” Scarlett demands. “Have a wild affair. You’ve earned it.”

“I’ve earned it?” I echo, blankly.

Scarlett nudges me with her foot, “You can’t play it safe your whole life, honey. You’ll end up with someone boring and be unhappy.”

When I scrunch my nose at her, she stabs me with her toe again, her voice firm, “I’m serious, Abby. There’s no harm in trying to see where this goes.”

“What if he’s just passing his time with me?” I ask.

Scarlett raises a brow, “So you pass your time with him. That’s it. Don’t look for anything deeper in this, if your instincts are telling you this won’t lead anywhere. Just have some fun.”

I frown and ponder over that thought.

Twisting and turning in bed, I fall into a troubled sleep that night. Dreaming of a pair of gray eyes that could look into my soul.

Chapter 9

A few days pass in this cat and mouse dance that Steven puts me through. He would show up and flirt, I would hiss back. But even I could see that I had started to cave.

* * *

As I drove to work that morning, I felt Gertha sputter again.

* * *

Worried, I open the hood when I get to school and let out a sigh when I realize she might need to go to the shop again.

* * *

Christmas was around the corner and if I handed in Gertha for a tuning, there was no way I would get it before Christmas.

* * *

I slam the hood shut and grab my things out of the back seat before making my way to the class.

* * *

“Miss Johnson, a word.”

* * *

Running into Collin first thing in the morning was not how I wanted my day to start off.